
From EDukeWiki
Revision as of 18:01, 24 February 2011 by Hendricks266 (talk | contribs) (merge the spawn family)
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spawn <tile number>
espawn <tile number>
espawnvar <tile number>
qspawn <tile number>
qspawnvar <tile number>
eqspawn <tile number>
eqspawnvar <tile number>

When not used in the specific command sense, spawning is the act of placing a new sprite into the running game.

The spawn commands add actor <tile number> to the current map, at the position of the actor that spawned it.

Commands with an "e" prefix set the gamevar RETURN to spawned actor's sprite id.

Commands with a "q" prefix insert the spawned sprite into the decal deletion queue, like the command insertspriteq.

Commands with a "var" suffix take gamevars rather than constants or defined labels for their inputs.