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texture <tilenum> { ... }

Defines a Hightile texture to replace an ART-file tile. <tilenum> may be a number, or a defined label.

The brace-enclosed block may contain these instructions:

pal <palnum> { ... }
Replaces the palette <palnum>. If a palette has no pal definition palette 0 definition will be used. Tint will not be used on palettes defined with this instruction.
The brace-enclosed block may contain these instructions:
file <filename>
name <filename>
Defines which texture file to use. File may be any PNG, JPG, TGA, BMP, GIF or PCX file. This instruction must be supplied.
alphacut <cutoff-value>
Sets the level of transparency at which a pixel in the texture is considered opaque. Pixels with more transparency than the cut-off are not drawn to the screen when rendered. The default setting is 0.32, which is just below the 33% transparency level of Build. If your texture has areas that are more transparent than the default, you can lower the cut-off level to preserve that detail.
Prevents the texture from being compressed using S3TC if texture compression is enabled.
Prevents the texture from being downsized.
xscale <value>
yscale <value>
Sets the scale of the hightile texture in relation to the original texture. A <value> of 1.0 makes it the same size, higher makes it cover more then the original tile and smaller makes it cover a smaller area. xscale (aka scale, detailscale, intensity) sets the horizontal scale and yscale sets the vertical scale.
detail { ... }
Defines a detail texture for the texture. The brace-enclosed block may contain these instructions:
file <filename>
Specifies which detail texture file to use. File may be any PNG, JPG, TGA, BMP, GIF or PCX file. This instruction must be supplied.
scale <value>
<value> is a positive floating-point value that'll determine how much your detail map should repeat on your diffuse map (if you want your detail map to repeat five times, use a 1/5 scale : 0.2).
glow { ... }
Defines a glow map for the texture. The brace-enclosed block may contain these instructions:
file <filename>
Specifies which glow map file to use. This instruction must be supplied.

tint { ... }

Defines a Hightile texture tint to simulate palette effects normally used on ART-file tiles. The brace-enclosed block may contain these instructions:

pal <palnum>
The palette number the tint applies to.
red <value>
green <value>
blue <value>
r <value>
g <value>
b <value>
Specifies a color component value, in the range of 0 to 255. Unspecified components are assumed to be 255 and any out of range values are clamped to the maximum or minimum as appropriate.
flags <flags>
Specifies any special processing effects to use for the tint. The value of flags may be the sum of any of these values:
0 = no effects
1 = convert to greyscale
2 = invert colors

