I'm XTHX2, aka NoNZealot, the author of HellDuke TC. Good that you've visited my page, ha.
Description of HellDuke
HellDuke TC! is a Total Conversion for Eduke32. It will have 6 episodes each will have their own story and place. The TC have many additions to the normal game such as weapon selection sounds, new enemies, new sounds, various new effects, some new weapons and Alternate Fire system.
As an addition, my TC also has a Score System. The player will gain score points by killing enemies or grabbing the treasures he finds. And if you succeed and finish the episode, there'll be a high score screen to show you the scores of other players. There will also be a competition to choose the player who has the most score among Duke Nukem 3D forum members.
Story of HellDuke
Chapter One : Knee Deep in Duke
Duke Nukem, the hero who saved the ass of Earth million times, is now retired, since he fought for years after years, he needs some R&R too, right? No, Duke Nukem, is again called for help. But this time, who calls him? Let's guess who? UAC!!! "What the hell?", says Duke. He adds "Go clean your own mess, idiots. It's your damn crap, go fix it on your own, now leave me alone!" The end of the call... Duke thinks... Why would they call me while there is DoomGuy to save their ass? Hmm... This might be my chance to be popular amongst the Doom Universe!!! Let's see what is going to happen now... Duke calls UAC again, says "I'll help you clean your mess, but I want something from you to do for me. I want the DoomGuy after I clean your mess, alive, I want to talk to him, personally.", UAC responds, "We will do what you want, just help!!! A big f!!!ing Spider is destroying our base!!!"... end of the call.
But, what is that Spider thing? What will happen to Duke? Why did Duke call Doomguy? What's going on? Does Dule have Spiderphobia? You'll learn the answer of these when you play, HELL DUKE TC!