(Redirected from Setarrayseq)
setarraysequence <gamearray> <gamevar 1> [...] <gamevar N>
setarrayseq <gamearray> <gamevar 1> [...] <gamevar N>
Saves the values of the provided gamevars to the first N entries of a gamearray.
Note that the gamearray will be resized to match the number of gamevars provided.
Current the limit of gamevars is 32.
This is useful for creating a state that takes the values of multiple gamevars. A common usage is to make a custom rotatesprite function.
state Rotatesprite_Scaled getarraysequence Rotatesprite_Sequence X Y Scale Ang Picnum Shade Pal Orientation X1 Y1 X2 Y2 ifn userdef[].statusbarscale 100 { sub X 160 sub Y 200 scalevar X X userdef[].statusbarscale 100 scalevar Y Y userdef[].statusbarscale 100 scalevar Scale Scale userdef[].statusbarscale 100 add X 160 add Y 200 } rotatesprite X Y Scale Ang Picnum Shade Pal Orientation X1 Y1 X2 Y2 ends appendevent EVENT_DISPLAYSBAR set X2 xdim sub X2 1 set Y2 ydim sub Y2 1 setarraysequence Rotatesprite_Sequence 160 166 65536 0 BOTTOMSTATUSBAR 4 0 24 0 0 X2 Y2 state Rotatesprite_Scaled endevent
See also getarraysequence.