Console commands: Difference between revisions

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Updated according to the latest available snapshot. I'm going to sort the commands and do the rest commands.
Line 126: Line 126:
|sensitivity <value>
|sensitivity <value>
|changes the mouse sensitivity
|changes the mouse sensitivity
|allows cycling of maps with (Shift-)Ctrl-X
|sets turning acceleration
|sets turning deceleration
|sets UnrealEd movement speed factor (0-5, exponentially)

Line 134: Line 146:
Mode numbers are:<br/>
Mode numbers are:<br/>
0 - Classic Build software<br/>
0 - Classic Build software<br/>
1 - Polygonal flat-shaded software (deprecated)<br/>
1 - Polygonal flat-shaded software (removed)<br/>
2 - Polygonal textured software (deprecated)<br/>
2 - Polygonal textured software (removed)<br/>
3 - Polygonal OpenGL
3 - Polygonal OpenGL
|sets the output format for screenshots (TGA or PCX)
|sets the output format for screenshots (TGA or PCX)
|turn off/on the use of mipmaps when rendering 8-bit voxels
|turn off/on the use of mipmaps when rendering 8-bit voxels
|enable/disable automatic sprite->voxel rendering
|enable/disable automatic sprite->voxel rendering
Line 166: Line 178:

! colspan="2"|osd.c
! colspan="2"|osd.c
|creates an alias for calling multiple commands
|exec <scriptfile>
|executes a script
Line 171: Line 189:
|displays help on the named symbol
|displays help for the specified cvar or command
|displays the console command history
|sets the palette of the OSD input text
|sets the shade of the OSD input text
|sets the palette of the OSD prompt
|sets the shade of the OSD prompt
|set OSD text mode (0:graphical, 1:fast)
|sets the palette of the OSD text
|sets the shade of the OSD text
|removes an alias created with "alias"
|sets the maximal line count of the log file",_internal_osdfunc_vars
|sets the maximal line count of the log file
Line 191: Line 236:
|map <mapfile>
|map <mapfile>
|loads the given user map
|loads the given user map
|prints the value of a gamevar
|addpath <path>
|addpath <path>
Line 200: Line 248:
|cmenu <#>
|cmenu <#>
|jumps to menu
|jumps to menu
|changes crosshair color
|changes the crosshair scale
|echo [text]
|echo [text]
|echoes text to the console
|echoes text to the console
|exec <scriptfile>
|executes a script
|exits the game immediately
|fileinfo <file>
|fileinfo <file>
|gets a file's information
|gets a file's information
|gamma <value>
|changes brightness
|give <item>
|give <item>
Line 221: Line 272:
|executes a command script when <key> gets pressed. Type "bind showkeys" for a list of keys
|executes a command script when <key> gets pressed. Type "bind showkeys" for a list of keys
|changes the hud scale
|enables input from the joystick if it is present
|enables input from the mouse if it is present
|initgroupfile <path>
|initgroupfile <path>
Line 230: Line 290:
|toggles clipping mode
|toggles clipping mode
|performs a quick load
|performs a quick save
|exits the game immediately
|exits the game immediately
|sets the global map light level
Line 258: Line 327:
|spawns a sprite with the given properties
|spawns a sprite with the given properties
|enables input from the joystick if it is present
|unbinds a key
|unbinds all keys
|adjusts gamma ramp
|adjusts gamma ramp
|enables input from the mouse if it is present
|adjusts gamma ramp
|vidmode <xdim> <ydim> <bpp> <fullscreen>
|vidmode <xdim> <ydim> <bpp> <fullscreen>

Revision as of 05:54, 22 August 2008

crosshair enable/disable crosshair
cl_autoaim enable/disable weapon autoaim
cl_automsg enable/disable automatically sending messages to all players
cl_autovote enable/disable automatic voting
cl_deathmessages enable/disable multiplayer death messages
cl_democams enable/disable demo playback cameras
cl_drawweapon enable/disable weapon drawing
cl_idplayers enable/disable name display when aiming at opponents
cl_messagetime length of time to display multiplayer chat messages
cl_mousebias emulates the original mouse code's weighting of input
towards whichever axis is moving the most at any given time
cl_mousefilter amount of mouse movement to filter out
cl_showcoords show your position in the game world
cl_showfps show the frame rate counter
cl_smoothinput enable/disable input smoothing
cl_viewbob enable/disable player head bobbing
cl_weaponsway enable/disable player weapon swaying
cl_weaponswitch enable/disable auto weapon switching
cl_angleinterpolation enable/disable angle interpolation
r_anamorphic enable/disable widescreen mode
r_projectionhack enable/disable projection hack
r_precache enable/disable the pre-level caching routine
snd_ambience enables/disables ambient sounds
snd_duketalk enables/disables Duke's speech
snd_fxvolume volume of sound effects
snd_mixrate sound mixing rate
snd_musvolume volume of midi music
snd_numbits sound bits
snd_numchannels the number of sound channels
snd_numvoices the number of concurrent sounds
snd_reversestereo reverses the stereo channels
addpath <path> adds path to game filesystem
echo [text] echoes text to the console
editorgridextent sets the size of the 2D mode editing grid
exec <scriptfile> executes a script
fileinfo <file> gets a file's information
gamma <value> changes brightness
initgroupfile <path> adds a grp file into the game filesystem
noclip toggles clipping mode
quit exits the game immediately
sensitivity <value> changes the mouse sensitivity
pk_quickmapcycling allows cycling of maps with (Shift-)Ctrl-X
pk_turnaccel sets turning acceleration
pk_turndecel sets turning deceleration
pk_uedaccel sets UnrealEd movement speed factor (0-5, exponentially)
setrendermode <number> sets the engine's rendering mode.

Mode numbers are:
0 - Classic Build software
1 - Polygonal flat-shaded software (removed)
2 - Polygonal textured software (removed)
3 - Polygonal OpenGL

r_scrcaptureformat sets the output format for screenshots (TGA or PCX)
r_novoxmips turn off/on the use of mipmaps when rendering 8-bit voxels
r_voxels enable/disable automatic sprite->voxel rendering
hicsetpalettetint sets palette tinting values
glinfo shows OpenGL information about the current OpenGL mode
restartvid reinitialise the video mode
vidmode <xdim> <ydim> <bpp> <fullscreen> immediately change the video mode
alias creates an alias for calling multiple commands
exec <scriptfile> executes a script
listsymbols lists all the recognized symbols
help displays help for the specified cvar or command
history displays the console command history
osdeditpal sets the palette of the OSD input text
osdeditshade sets the shade of the OSD input text
sets the palette of the OSD prompt
osdpromptshade sets the shade of the OSD prompt
osdtextmode set OSD text mode (0:graphical, 1:fast)
osdtextpal sets the palette of the OSD text
osdtextshade sets the shade of the OSD text
unalias removes an alias created with "alias"
logcutoff sets the maximal line count of the log file
osdrows sets the number of visible lines of the OSD
clear clears the console text buffer
changelevel <volume> <level> warps to the given level
map <mapfile> loads the given user map
addlogvar prints the value of a gamevar
addpath <path> adds path to game filesystem
cl_statusbarscale changes the status bar scale
cmenu <#> jumps to menu
crosshaircolor changes crosshair color
crosshairscale changes the crosshair scale
echo [text] echoes text to the console
exit exits the game immediately
fileinfo <file> gets a file's information
give <item> gives requested item. Item can be all, health, weapons, ammo, armor, keys or inventory.
god toggles god mode
bind executes a command script when <key> gets pressed. Type "bind showkeys" for a list of keys
hud_scale changes the hud scale
in_joystick enables input from the joystick if it is present
in_mouse enables input from the mouse if it is present
initgroupfile <path> adds a grp file into the game filesystem
name change your multiplayer nickname
noclip toggles clipping mode
quickload performs a quick load
quicksave performs a quick save
quit exits the game immediately
r_ambientlight sets the global map light level
rate sets the multiplayer packet send rate, in packets/sec
restartsound reinitialises the sound system
restartvid reinitialises the video mode
sensitivity <value> changes the mouse sensitivity
setactorvar <actor#> <gamevar> <value> sets the value of <actor#>'s <gamevar> to <value>
setvar <gamevar> <value> sets the value of a gamevar
setvarvar <gamevar1> <gamevar2> sets the value of <gamevar1> to <gamevar2>
spawn <picnum> [palnum] [cstat] [ang] [x y z] spawns a sprite with the given properties
unbind unbinds a key
unbindall unbinds all keys
vid_brightness adjusts gamma ramp
vid_contrast adjusts gamma ramp
vid_gamma adjusts gamma ramp
vidmode <xdim> <ydim> <bpp> <fullscreen> immediately change the video mode.
glusetexcompr enable/disable OpenGL texture compression
glredbluemode enable/disable experimental OpenGL red-blue glasses mode
gltexturemode changes the texture filtering settings
gltextureanisotropy changes the OpenGL texture anisotropy setting
gltexturemaxsize changes the maximum OpenGL texture size limit
gltexturemiplevel changes the highest OpenGL mipmap level used
glpolygonmode debugging feature
glusetexcache enable/disable OpenGL compressed texture cache
usetexcachecompression enable/disable compression of files in the OpenGL compressed texture cache
glmultisample sets the number of samples used for antialiasing (0 = off)
glnvmultisamplehint enable/disable Nvidia multisampling hinting
r_shadescale multiplier for lighting
r_depthpeeling enable/disable order-independant transparency
r_peelscount sets the number of depth layers for depth peeling
r_curpeel allows to display one depth layer at a time (for development purposes)
r_detailmapping enable/disable detail mapping
r_glowmapping enable/disable glow mapping
r_vertexarrays enable/disable using vertex arrays when drawing models
r_vbos enable/disable using Vertex Buffer Objects when drawing models
r_vbocount sets the number of Vertex Buffer Objects to use when drawing models
r_animsmoothing enable/disable model animation smoothing
r_parallaxskyclamping enable/disable parallaxed floor/ceiling sky texture clamping
r_parallaxskypanning enable/disable parallaxed floor/ceiling panning when drawing a parallaxed sky
usemodels enable/disable model rendering in >8-bit mode
usehightile enable/disable hightile texture rendering in >8-bit mode
dumptexturedefs dumps all texture definitions in the new style
maxrefreshfreq maximum display frequency to set for OpenGL Polymost modes (0=no maximum)
r_windowpositioning enable/disable window position memory