Command line options: Difference between revisions

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LoWang (talk | contribs)
mNo edit summary
m fix usecwd
Line 69: Line 69:
| -usecwd
| -usecwd
|Read game data and configuration file from working directory
|Read game data and configuration file from working directory
|[Windows only]
|[non-Windows only]
| -u#########
| -u#########

Revision as of 12:50, 7 March 2011

Usage: eduke32 [files] [options]
Example: eduke32 -q4 -a -m -tx -map

Files can be *.grp/zip/con/def

Command Description Notes
-cfg [file.cfg] Use an alternate configuration file
-c# Use MP mode #, 1 = Dukematch, 2 = Co-op, 3 = Dukematch (no spawn)
-d[file.dmo] Play a demo
-g[file.grp] Use an extra group file
-h[file.def] Use an alternate def
-j[dir] Adds a directory to EDuke32's search list
-l# Warp to level # see -v
-map [] Loads a map
-m Disable monsters
Run in NAM or WWII GI -compatible mode
-server Start multiplayer server (see multiplayer)
-r Record demo
-s# Set skill level (1-4)
Enables/disables startup window [only on Windows, SDL, and/or GTK2 environments]
-t# Set respawn mode: 1 = Monsters, 2 = Items, 3 = Inventory, x = All
-usecwd Read game data and configuration file from working directory [non-Windows only]
-u######### User's favorite weapon order (default: 3425689071)
-v# Warp to volume # see -l
-x[game.con] Load custom CON script
-# Load and run a game from slot # (0-9)
Display this help message and exit
-debughelp Display debug parameters message and exit
-a Use fake player AI (fake multiplayer only)
-cachesize # Sets cache size, in Kb
-fNUM Send fewer packets in multiplayer (1, 2, 4) (deprecated)
-game_dir [dir] Duke3d_w32 compatibility option see -j
-gamegrp Selects which file to use as main grp
-i# Use networking mode (1/0)
-name [name] Player name in multiplay
-nD Dump default gamevars to gamevars.txt
-noautoload Disable loading content from autoload dir
-nologo Skip the logo anim
Disable sound or music
-q# Fake multiplayer with # (2-8) players
-rmnet Use network config file (OBSOLETE, see -net)
-stun Use UDP hole punching for multiplayer connections
-w Show coordinates
Enable line-by-line CON compile debugging at level #