floorstat is a sector-structure member similar to cstat, as it is a bitfield.
The known values are below:
- 1 = Bit 0: Floor is a parallax sky/texture. Also, for subway car sectors, if you set this bit to 1, it will shoot RPGs at the nearest player. This is used for the space ship in the beginning of E2L1.
- 2 = Bit 1: Floor is sloped
- 4 = Bit 2: Floor Texture's x & y is swapped
- 8 = Bit 3: Floor Texture Expansion is on ["E" key in Build/Mapster32]
- 16 = Bit 4: Floor Texture's x is flipped
- 32 = Bit 5: Floor Texture's y is flipped
- 64 = Bit 6: Floor Texture Relativity is on ["R" key in Build/Mapster32]
- 128 = Bit 7: Masked Floor (different from being clear only for TROR-extended floors)
- 256 = Bit 8: Translucent Masked Floor
- 384 = Bit 7&8: Reverse Translucent Masked Floor
- 512 = Bit 9: Floor blocks movement (for TROR)
- 1024 = Bit 10: Floor is a TROR floor
- 2048 = Bit 11: Floor blocks projectiles (for TROR)
See ceilingstat.