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Revision as of 22:29, 13 October 2007 by LordMisfit (talk | contribs)
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Not the greatest coder around, but I try. >.>

Maker of a set of CON files which are semi-inspired both by an old attempt for a Duke3D mod, and also inspired by DeeperThought's Duke Nukem: Weapon of Mass Destruction mod.

Great work DT, you rule. :P

Naferia's Reign: Invasion of the Dark Mistress Website

Now a list for a future command in a special-only screenshot, so I can remember to add it later

getkeyname <quoteID> <funcID> <key>

<quoteID> - defines a quote at this slot.


  Move_Forward             0
  Move_Backward            1
  Turn_Left                2
  Turn_Right               3
  Strafe                   4
  Fire                     5
  Open                     6
  Run                      7
  AutoRun                  8
  Jump                     9
  Crouch                  10
  Look_Up                 11
  Look_Down               12
  Look_Left               13
  Look_Right              14
  Strafe_Left             15
  Strafe_Right            16
  Aim_Up                  17
  Aim_Down                18
  Weapon_1                19
  Weapon_2                20
  Weapon_3                21
  Weapon_4                22
  Weapon_5                23
  Weapon_6                24
  Weapon_7                25
  Weapon_8                26
  Weapon_9                27
  Weapon_10               28
  Inventory               29
  Inventory_Left          30
  Inventory_Right         31
  Holo_Duke               32
  Jetpack                 33
  NightVision             34
  MedKit                  35
  TurnAround              36
  SendMessage             37
  Map                     38
  Shrink_Screen           39
  Enlarge_Screen          40
  Center_View             41
  Holster_Weapon          42
  Show_Opponents_Weapon   43
  Map_Follow_Mode         44
  See_Coop_View           45
  Mouse_Aiming            46
  Toggle_Crosshair        47
  Steroids                48
  Quick_Kick              49
  Next_Weapon             50
  Previous_Weapon         51
  Show_Console            52

<key> = 0 or 1