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Revision as of 23:36, 23 November 2006 by Fox (talk | contribs)
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Flag values for weapon are:

1 - Holstering Clears Clip
2 - Glows
4 - Automatic
8 - Fire Every other frame
16 - Fire Every third frame
32 - Random restart on automatic
64 - Use Ammo per burst
128 - Is a Bomb trigger
256 - Using does NOT cause player to become 'visible'
512 - Use 'throws' the 'shoots' item
1024 - Check weapon availability at 'reload' time
2048 - player should stop jumping
0 - Spawn Type 1 (pistol shells)
4096 - Spawn Type 2 (Shotgun shells)
8192 - Spawn Type 3 (CHAINGGUN shells)