floorstat is a sector-structure member similar to cstat, as it is a bitfield.
The known values are below:
- 1 = Bit 0: Floor is a parallax sky/texture
- 2 = Bit 1: Floor is sloped
- 4 = Bit 2: Floor Texture's x & y is swapped
- 8 = Bit 3: Floor Texture Expansion is on ["E" key in Build/Mapster32]
- 16 = Bit 4: Floor Texture's x is flipped
- 32 = Bit 5: Floor Texture's y is flipped
- 64 = Bit 6: Floor Texture Relativity is on ["R" key in Build/Mapster32]
- 128 = Bit 7: Masked Floor [?, Unused in Source Code & Game]
- 256 = Bit 8: Translucent Masked Floor [?, Unused in Source Code & Game]
- 384 = Bit 7&8: Reverse Translucent Masked Floor [?, Unused in Source Code & Game]
See ceilingstat.