Acquiring the EDuke32 Source Code
It is recommended that you download the latest version from the EDuke32 Subversion (SVN) Repository.
Download and install a Subversion client, if applicable. On Windows, here are some examples:
- SlikSVN (high quality command-line native builds)
- TortoiseSVN (includes a handy GUI interface but uses Cygwin)
- Subversion for Windows by alagazam
Run the following command:
svn checkout eduke32
NOTE: For links, if you intend to commit to the SVN and you have an account, use HTTPS, but if you are going to anonymously download the data, use HTTP.
If you are a developer who would rather use Git as a front-end, this is possible with the use of Git-SVN but checking out the repository takes an exceedingly long time so it is only recommended if you make long successive series of unrelated patches. See here for more information about how to use Git-SVN.
Here are Windows examples of Git clients:
- Git for Windows / msysGit is recommended.
- TortoiseGit also exists but it suffers from ambiguity resulting from trying to be too much like SVN.
This is the command to run:
git svn clone
Daily source tarballs are generated from the Subversion repository but they do not include metadata, Apple compiled libraries, third-party jaudiolib, and Photoshop files for the purpose of saving space.
Old and older versions are also available but any use of them is highly discouraged.