Maphack Language
Maphacks are used to edit the positioning of objects and other parts of a level in cases where the maps cannot be redistributed.
sprite spriteid <token> [value]
sprite spriteid angoff value
sprite spriteid angleoff value
Rotates the model away from the starting angle of the sprite. A value of 2048 represents a full turn of 360 degrees.
sprite spriteid notmd
sprite spriteid notmd2
sprite spriteid notmd3
Renders a tile as a sprite instead of a model. This is achieved by altering the value of mdflags.
There is no actual implementation for notmd2 and notmd3. They are mapped to notmd.
sprite spriteid nomdanim
sprite spriteid nomd2anim
sprite spriteid nomd3anim
Freezes any model animation in place. This is achieved by altering the value of mdflags.
There is no actual implementation for nomd2anim and nomd3anim. They are mapped to nomdanim.
sprite spriteid pitch value
Adjusts the model's pitch, i.e. bowing or falling backwards. A hackish method can be used to move the model away from clipping in a wall, by setting the sprite's mdzoff to a grossly high (or low negative) number, and setting a pitch of 1.
sprite spriteid roll value
Adjusts the model's roll, i.e. tilting to the side.
sprite spriteid mdxoff value
Offsets the x coordinate of the model's centerpoint, to be used in conjunction with pitch and roll.
sprite spriteid mdyoff value
Offsets the y coordinate of the model's centerpoint, to be used in conjunction with pitch and roll.
sprite spriteid mdzoff value
Offsets the z coordinate of the model's centerpoint, to be used in conjunction with pitch and roll.
sprite spriteid away1
Moves the sprite away. (how?) This is achieved by altering the value of mdflags.
sprite spriteid away2
Moves the sprite away. (how?) This is achieved by altering the value of mdflags.
light sector x y z range r g b radius faderadius angle horiz minshade maxshade priority tilenum
Displays a spotlight using the Polymer renderer.