
From EDukeWiki
Revision as of 07:33, 5 August 2009 by Dr. Kylstien (talk | contribs) (I remember hearing about statnum 1024, but I haven't tried it myself.)
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Statnums are used by the game internally to see whether something is an actor, player, projectile, etc, and then process it appropriately.

Some important statnums (there are many more not listed):

0 -- Sprites that are not defined by the CON code as actors, and are not projectiles, etc, have a statnum of 0. (E.g. the floor texture sprites used to make up a sprite bridge).

1 -- Actors. Sprites with a statnum of 1 will execute the actor code that applies to their tile number in the CON scripts.

2 -- Sleepers. Sprites taking a break from code execution (e.g. a Pigcop that has been left alone for long enough will revert to statnum 2, only waking up and going back to statnum 1 upon seeing the player again)

4 -- Projectiles. These includes RPG, FREEZEBLAST, etc., as well as custom projectiles. It does not include hitscan (bullets), since those are not sprites that exist in the game world (SHOTSPARK1, the sprite spawned by bullets, is not itself a projectile)

10 -- The player.

1024 -- Unused sprite. A sprite id with this statnum is invalid, meaning that it has been deleted or just never existed in the map.