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definegametype <gametypenum> <flags> <name>

Define a new game type (like Deathmatch, Coop, ...) available in multiplayer.


Define the gametype number. Numbers 0-4 are already defined. Maximum is 16.


1 Gametype is Cooperative like

2 Weapons stay (like coop)

4 Show frag bar (on top of the screen)

8 Show scoresheet (in statusbar)

16 Spawn the Deathmatch switches (switches with a spritepal other than 0)

32 Use coop spawns

64 Spawn accesscard sprites

128 Allow coopview

256 Activate coop sounds

512 Show other players in map

1024 Items can respawn

2048 Enable markers option

4096 Enable friendly fire option

8192 Fixed respawn

16384 Players have all accesscards at spawn

32768 Players keep their inventory even if they die

65536 Gametype is Team Deathmatch like

131072 Use TDM spawns


Define the gametype name.

Default values

Flag Description Value Dukematch Cooperative Dukematch (no spawn) Team Dukematch Team Dukematch (no spawn)
1 Gametype is Cooperative like 1 ? ? ? ? ?
2 Weapons stay (like coop) 2 ? ? ? ? ?
3 Show frag bar (on top of the screen) 4 ? ? ? ? ?
4 Show scoresheet (in statusbar) 8 ? ? ? ? ?
5 Spawn the Deathmatch switches (switches with a spritepal other than 0) 16 ? ? ? ? ?
6 Use coop spawns 32 ? ? ? ? ?
7 Spawn accesscard sprites 64 ? ? ? ? ?
8 Allow coopview 128 ? ? ? ? ?
9 Activate coop sounds 256 ? ? ? ? ?
10 Show other players in map 512 ? ? ? ? ?
11 Items can respawn 1024 ? ? ? ? ?
12 Enable markers option 2048 ? ? ? ? ?
13 Enable friendly fire option 4096 ? ? ? ? ?
14 Fixed respawn 8192 ? ? ? ? ?
15 Players have all accesscards at spawn 16384 ? ? ? ? ?
16 Players keep their inventory even if they die 32768 ? ? ? ? ?
16 Gametype is Team Deathmatch like 65536 ? ? ? ? ?
17 Use TDM spawns 131072 ? ? ? ? ?