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actor <name> <strength> <action> <move> <ai> { actor code } enda

An actor is any sprite with programming applied to it. The original actors were defined that way. This syntax can only be used on tile numbers that were hardcoded as types of actors in the game. 1.4 intorduced the useractor syntax which allows use of any tile number as an actor.

<name> is the name/tile of the actor. You can either input a defined name, or the tile number directly.

<strength> is the health of the actor.

<action> is the intial action an actor uses (optional).

<move> is the initial move of the actor (optional).

<ai> is the actor's initial ai routine (optional).

{ actor code } is the code for the actor.

enda ends an actor.

Example actor:

define SOMEACTOR 3585

ifpdistl 1024 
    palfrom 32 0 16 0 