Sector Effector Reference Guide

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Build/Mapster32 Map Editing

Sector Effector Lotag Listing

Tag number Name Associated sector tag Description
0 Rotating Sector 30 (optional) See Category:Editing Moving Sectors#Rotating Sectors (Gears). The hitag of this sectoreffector must be something other than zero because a sectoreffector with both tags equal to zero causes an error.
1 Pivot Sprite for SE 0 30 (optional) See Category:Editing Moving Sectors#Rotating Sectors (Gears).
2 Earthquake N/A See Category:Editing General Sector Effects#Earthquake.
3 Random Lights After Shot Out N/A See Category:Editing Lighting Effects#Making Lights Blink When Shot
4 Random Lights N/A See Category:Editing Lighting Effects#Making Lights Blink.
5 (undocumented) N/A When used with a series of sequentially numbered locators, this causes the sector to move rapidly to the locator nearest the player. It also spawns some fireballs that won't hit the player. It was intended to be a boss ship in Lameduke, but it was eventually abandoned. The effect is very buggy. There are graphics glitches, and the moving sector eventually seems to just go around in circles.
6 Subway N/A See Category:Editing Moving Sectors#One Car Subways.
7 Teleporter N/A See Category:Editing Teleporters
8 Up Open Door Lights 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, or 26 See Category:Editing Lighting_Effects#Open Door & Room Lights Up
9 Down Open Door Lights 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, or 26 See Category:Editing Lighting_Effects#Open Door & Room Lights Up
10 Door Auto Close 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, or 26 Hitag = delay
11 Rotate Sector Door 23 Hinge for the swinging door. See Swinging Doors.
12 Light Switch N/A See Category:Editing Lighting Effects#Light Switches.
13 C-9 Explosive N/A See Category:Editing C-9 Effects#Cracked Walls.
14 Subway Car N/A See Category:Editing Moving Sectors#Making Multi-Car Subways.
15 Slide Door 25 See Sliding Doors.
16 Rotate Reactor Sector N/A All this does is rotate the sector a small amount and raise the ceiling by about a quarter of a step at runtime. It is an incomplete effect that is not used in the game.
17 Elevator Transport 15 See Category:Editing Sectors That Rise and Fall#Elevator Transports.
18 Incremental Sector Rise/Fall N/A Causes the sector to be raised or lowered by one step every time it is activated. Only works in version 1.4 or above. See Category:Editing Sectors That Rise and Fall.
19 Explosion Lowers Ceiling N/A If an explosion occurs in a sector containing this SE, the ceiling drops to the floor. This effect is not used in the game but is fully functional. The rate the ceiling falls can be controlled with a GPSPEED. See Category:Editing Sectors That Rise and Fall#Making the Ceiling Fall Upon an Explosion.
20 Stretch (also known as "Bridge") 27 See Category:Editing General Sector Effects#Stretching Sectors.
21 Drop Floor 28 See Category:Editing Sectors That Rise and Fall.
22 Teeth Door Prong 29 See Teeth Doors
23 One-Way Teleporter Destination N/A See Category:Editing Teleporters#One Way Teleporters (Version 1.4 or 1.5 Required).
24 Conveyor Belt or Water Current N/A See Category:Editing General Sector Effects#Conveyor Belts & Water Current.
25 Engine N/A Ceiling continually lowers to the floor and raises again. Its speed can be regulated with a GPSPEED.
26 (undocumented) N/A A rudimentary and incomplete implementation of a step escalator. The effect repeatedly raises the sector by two clicks and moves it one grid size 3 square in the direction of the SE's angle, and then snaps back instantly. It carries sprites along with it. The effect is incomplete, so there are graphics glitches like stretching textures, and it can kill Duke by carrying him into non-player space. Use with caution.
27 Demo Camera N/A Used to record demos.
28 Lightning N/A Version 1.4 or above
29 Float N/A See Category:Editing Water#Making Waves.
30 Two-Way Train 31 See Category:Editing Moving Sectors#Two-Way Trains.
31 Floor Rise/Fall N/A See Category:Editing Sectors That Rise and Fall.
32 Ceiling Rise/Fall N/A See Category:Editing Sectors That Rise and Fall.
33 Earthquake Debris N/A Use in conjunction with an earthquake (SE 2) to spawn bits of scrap. See Category:Editing General Sector Effects#Earthquake. It is also used in the exploding ceiling effect (see Category:Editing C-9 Effects#Making the Ceiling Blow Up (And Enemies Fall From the Sky!)).
34 (undocumented) N/A A conveyor belt effect very similar to SE 24. It moves at about half the speed, and the floor texture moves at right angles to the direction of motion.
35 (undocumented) N/A An unfinished implementation of a drill head. The floor is lowered at runtime, and then the ceiling lowers to the floor repeatedly. Silent, harmless explosions and bits of scrap are continually spawned in the sector. Can be combined with rotating sectors (SE 0,1) to simulate a drill, but is pretty much useless.
36 Projectile Shooter N/A See Category:Editing Miscellaneous#Shooters
49 Point Light N/A Casts uniform light in all directions as name suggests. Does not cast shadows. HITAG = light distance (range: 0-65535)

XVEL/YVEL/ZVEL = RGB values (range: 0-255) (edit with F8 when SE highlighted in 2D mode.) TRANSPARENCY = priority (solid sprite = high priority, 33% transparency = lower priority, 66% = lowest priority. This is required to avoid glitches resulting from projectile lights interacting with world lights.) Centre bit (press c on SE in 3D mode): Inverts colours so it subtracts light to the scene instead of adding it. E.g use a pure white light to make the SE emit pure black.

50 Spotlight N/A Casts light in one direction as name suggests. Casts shadows. HITAG = light distance (range: 0-65535)

XVEL/YVEL/ZVEL = RGB values (range: 0-255) (edit with F8 when SE highlighted in 2D mode.) Angle of SE = direction light points in. Shade = width of light (range: -127 to 127) Extra = horizontal up/down angle. Light points roughly 45 degrees down by default. An extra of 100 points straight ahead. Positive values angle light up, negative values angle light downn. Owner = picnum of sprite/texture to project. TRANSPARENCY = priority (solid sprite = high priority, 33% transparency = lower priority, 66% = lowest priority. This is required to avoid glitches resulting from projectile lights interacting with world lights.) 1-Way (press 1 on SE to make 1-sided) = Does not project shadow maps. Spotlights without shadows are much better for performance, and useful for projecting textures. Centre bit (press c on SE in 3D mode): Inverts colours so it subtracts light to the scene instead of adding it. E.g use a pure white light to make the SE emit pure black.