Installation Guide for Official Add-ons
This guide is intended to help users install the officially released add-ons to Duke Nukem 3D. Unlike other mods, they are unique in the facts that they were officially endorsed by 3D Realms (making them canon) and they were (and are) for sale.
Disclaimer: This guide assumes you have legally acquired a legitimate copy (or demo) of the add-on you wish to install, from eBay, etc.
Do not ask where you can acquire these add-ons illegally.
Before proceeding, ensure you have downloaded the latest EDuke32 and installed Duke Nukem 3D by copying the DUKE3D.GRP and DUKE.RTS files to your EDuke32 directory.
Add-on Guides
Duke It Out In D.C.
a.k.a. Duke D.C., DukeDC, D.C., DC, DDC
- Install the base game.
- The next step is to provide EDuke32 with the add-on data.
- If you bought the game from Steam (as Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition), copying the data yourself is not required. EDuke32 will use the Windows registry to automatically identify your installation and add the required data to its search path.
- Otherwise, copy one of the following files to your EDuke32 folder. (On Windows, GRP files may be labeled "Microsoft Program Group".)
- Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition on Steam: <path to Steam Library>\SteamApps\common\Duke Nukem 3D\gameroot\addons\dc\dukedc.grp.
- Kill-a-Ton Collection CD-ROM #3: <CD root>\DUKEDC\DUKEDC\DUKEDCPP.SSI
- Duke: The Apocalypse 2 CD-ROM: <CD root>\DUKEDC\DUKEDCPP.SSI (TODO: confirm this)
- If you have not purchased the add-on, the one-level demo is also supported.
Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach
a.k.a. Duke Vacation: Life's a Beach, Duke Caribbean Vacation, LAB, DCLAB
- Install the base game.
- The next step is to provide EDuke32 with the add-on data.
- If you bought the game from Steam (as Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition), copying the data yourself is not required. EDuke32 will use the Windows registry to automatically identify your installation and add the required data to its search path.
- Otherwise, copy one of the following files to your EDuke32 folder. (On Windows, GRP files may be labeled "Microsoft Program Group".)
- Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition on Steam: <path to Steam Library>\SteamApps\common\Duke Nukem 3D\gameroot\addons\vacation\vacation.grp.
- Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach CD-ROM: <CD root>\VACATION\VACA15.SSI
Duke: Nuclear Winter
a.k.a. Nuclear Winter, NW
- Install the base game.
- The next step is to provide EDuke32 with the add-on data.
- If you bought the game from Steam (as Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition), copying the data yourself is not required. EDuke32 will use the Windows registry to automatically identify your installation and add the required data to its search path.
- Otherwise, copy one of the following files to your EDuke32 folder. (On Windows, GRP files may be labeled "Microsoft Program Group".)
- Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition on Steam: <path to Steam Library>\SteamApps\common\Duke Nukem 3D\gameroot\addons\nw\nwinter.grp.
- Duke: Nuclear Winter CD-ROM: <CD root>\GAMEDATA\NWINTER.GRP
- If you have not purchased the add-on, the one-level demo is also supported.
- Insert your Duke!ZONE CD or Duke: The Apocalypse 2 CD into your CD-ROM drive.
- Try using Skulldog's Duke Nukem 3D Dosbox Launcher - Frontend.
Duke!ZONE 2
- Insert your Duke!ZONE 2 CD, Kill-a-Ton Collection Disc 3, or Duke: The Apocalypse CD into your CD-ROM drive.
- Copy DUKE!ZON.GRP from the "DZ2" directory for v1.3D or "DZ2PP" for v1.4/v1.5 to your EDuke32 directory.
- Alternatively, download the Duke!ZONE 2 demo.
- Download the fixed CON files.
- Extract them to a subdirectory of your EDuke32 directory.
- Run EDuke32 with these command line parameters: "-j<dir> -g DUKE!ZON.GRP". (replace <dir> with the subdirectory from the previous step)
Duke Xtreme
- Insert your Duke Xtreme CD, Kill-a-Ton Collection Disc 3, or Duke: The Apocalypse CD into your CD-ROM drive.
- Copy the DKXTRM directory from the CD to your EDuke32 directory.
- Run EDuke32 with these command line parameters: "-jDKXTRM\PACK14 -jDKXTRM\SPMAPS -jDKXTRM\DMMAPS".
- For the time being, the other content from this expansion is not covered in this tutorial. Try using Skulldog's Duke Nukem 3D Dosbox Launcher - Frontend.
- If you desire, you can download some CON files that have the maps grouped into episodes until a better solution is created.
Duke Assault
- Insert your Duke Assault CD into your CD-ROM drive.
- Copy the ASSAULT directory from the CD to your EDuke32 directory.
- Copy the two TILES0??.ART files to the ASSAULT directory.
- In EDuke32, select ASSAULT for your mod directory, or run EDuke32 with the command line parameters "-jASSAULT".
- Select your map from the user map selection.
Errors, Questions, and Feedback
Ask any questions in the The Official Add-on Installation Guide forum thread.
Batch Script Errors
Please see the Working with the Windows Command Prompt page if you have trouble performing the following actions.
If you encounter an error in the batch files provided, copy and paste the output into a post at the forum thread inside [codebox][/codebox]
tags. If available, run the bat file with the _Debug suffix, such as DukeDC_Debug.bat, Carib_Debug.bat, and NW_Debug.bat.
If the window closes before you can copy the output, open a command prompt window at the folder and type the name of the batch file in question. Again, use the _Debug script if applicable. This hopefully should allow you to see what error you are experiencing. If not, make a post with a verbal description of what's happening and what you do see.