Skybox (DEF)
skybox { [...] }
Defines a skybox that overrides a parallaxing floor or ceiling in OpenGL rendering modes.
NOTE: All six faces are required to be specified.
tile <tilenum>
Specifies the ART file tile to override.
pal <palnum>
Specifies the palette number the skybox should happen for.
front <filename> (or ft / forward )
right <filename> (or rt )
back <filename> (or bk )
left <filename> (or lf / lt)
top <filename> (or up / ceiling / ceil )
down <filename> (or dn / bottom / floor )
front <filename> ft <filename> forward <filename>
right <filename> rt <filename>
back <filename> bk <filename>
left <filename> lf <filename> lt <filename>
top <filename> up <filename> ceiling <filename> ceil <filename>
down <filename> dn <filename> bottom <filename> floor <filename>
Defines a single face of the skybox where facename may be any of these keywords appropriate for the face in question.
skybox { tile 3586 pal 0 front "mymod/sky_1.png" nocompress right "mymod/sky_2.png" nocompress back "mymod/sky_3.png" nocompress left "mymod/sky_4.png" nocompress top "mymod/sky_5.png" nocompress down "mymod/sky_6.png" nocompress }