Doom Type Doors

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Build/Mapster32 Map Editing

NOTE: Much of information on this page is from around 1999. Some may be outdated, and some may be incorrect -- this page exists to get you started with the Level Editing and may not currently cover some of the additional features available in Mapster32.

Doom Type Doors


This how-to explains how to make one of the most common doors found in the game: "Doom" doors. These types of doors rise from the floor into the ceiling, and are quite easy to make.

STEP 1: Draw your door sector in 2D mode. Move the pointer over the door sector, and give the door sector a lotag of 20 (press the [T] key when the mouse pointer is inside the door sector).
STEP 2: Enter into 3D mode and give the door frame (the walls of the door sector) some nice textures. Move the pointer over each wall and press the [O] (the letter, not the number zero) key. This will prevent the walls from "moving" with the door as it travels (don't press the [O] key and see what happens - it's very unrealistic).
STEP 3: Now enter into 3-D mode, and lower the ceiling of the door sector all the way to the floor. Then texture the door itself.

Reversed Doom Type Doors


This how-to explains how to make the reversed version of the Doom Type door. This type of door lowers from the ceiling into the floor, and is quite easy to make.

STEP 1: Draw your door sector in 2D mode. Move the pointer over the door sector, and give the door sector a lotag of 21 (press the [T] key when the mouse pointer is inside the door sector).
STEP 2: Now enter into 3-D mode, and raise the floor of the door sector all the way to the ceiling. Then texture the door itself.

Splitting Doom Doors


This type of door splits in the middle horizontally, with the top half rising to the ceiling and the lower half lowering to the floor. These doors are constructed exactly as regular Doom-Type doors, with the following changes:

  1. The sector lotag should be 22.
  2. The floor and ceiling of the door sector should meet in the middle of the door itself.

NOTE: The height of the door should be an even value, to ensure that the top or bottom half does not need to travel farther than it should (which can cause some problems). The value you should use is the number of times that you must press the PGUP key to raise the ceiling from floor height to the height you want.