Prevent fall damage or falling death
The following code can be used to prevent the player from either receiving fall damage, or from hitting 'terminal velocity', which results in death upon hitting the ground.
You'll need a single gamevar to hold the value of falling_counter.
gamevar fallcounter 0 1
Inside the APLAYER actor, use the following code to restrict the falling counter to prevent falling deaths:
getplayer[THISACTOR].falling_counter fallcounter ifvarg fallcounter 61 { setvar fallcounter 61 // any value under 62 is non-fatal setplayer[THISACTOR].jumping_counter fallcounter }
To prevent ANY fall damage to the player, change it to the following
getplayer[THISACTOR].falling_counter fallcounter ifvarg fallcounter 8 { setvar fallcounter 8 // any value under 9 does no damage setplayer[THISACTOR].jumping_counter fallcounter }