Enable and fix minibosses
This tutorial is for how to enable the actors BOSS2, BOSS3, and BOSS4 become their miniboss counterparts without any bugs so you can put them in user maps and\or CON hacks.
From now on I wil refer to them as follows:
- BOSS1 - Ep. 1 - Battlelord
- BOSS2 - Ep. 3 - Cycloid Emperor
- BOSS3 - Ep. 2 - Overlord (Yes, these two are mixed up. Do not try to switch them to what they should be.)
- BOSS4 - Ep. 4 - Alien Queen
The Battlelord is programmed sufficently enough to allow its placement in maps, and the official levels do contain some mini Battlelords. If you have already played Duke Nukem 64, will probably have related that in the levels Hotel Hell and Freeway there are mini Overlords instead of some mini Battlelords.
Remember that the minibosses here will have an new actor tile, in order to remove Duke talk and replace with a left-over unusued scream from them, that was supposed to be used insted of Duke talks.
1. Open DEFS.CON. Scroll down to:
define BOSS2 2710 define BOSS3 2760
define BOSS4 4740 define BOSS4STAYPUT 4741
Change to:
define BOSS2 2710 define PALBOSS2 2711 define PALBOSS2STAYPUT 2712 define BOSS3 2760 define PALBOSS3 2761 define PALBOSS3STAYPUT 2762
define BOSS4 4740 define BOSS4STAYPUT 4741 define PALBOSS4 4742 define PALBOSS4STAYPUT 4743
2. Open USER.CON. Scroll down to:
define BOSS1STRENGTH 4500 define BOSS1PALSTRENGTH 1000 define BOSS2STRENGTH 4500 define BOSS3STRENGTH 4500 define BOSS4STRENGTH 6000
Change to:
define BOSS1STRENGTH 4500 define BOSS1PALSTRENGTH 1000 define BOSS2STRENGTH 4500 define BOSS2PALSTRENGTH 1000 define BOSS3STRENGTH 4500 define BOSS3PALSTRENGTH 1000 define BOSS4STRENGTH 6000 define BOSS4PALSTRENGTH 1333
Note that the strengths from mini BOSS2 and BOSS3 was put the same as BOSS1, oblivious because the big versions are the same. BOSS4 is proportional as 4500 - 1000 to 6000 - 1333.
You can change it to whatever you want, anyelse.
3. Search for BOSS2 and BOSS3 in GAME.CON, while should start and ends with:
action ABOSS2WALK 0 4 5 1 30
actor BOSS3 BOSS3STRENGTH fall state boss3code enda
Select all and change to:
action ABOSS2WALK 0 4 5 1 30 action ABOSS2FROZEN 0 1 5 action ABOSS2RUN 0 4 5 1 15 action ABOSS2SHOOT 20 2 5 1 15 action ABOSS2LOB 30 2 5 1 105 action ABOSS2DYING 40 8 1 1 35 action BOSS2FLINTCH 40 1 1 1 1 action ABOSS2DEAD 48 move PALBOSS2SHRUNKRUNVELS 32 move PALBOSS2RUNVELS 84 move BOSS2WALKVELS 192 move BOSS2RUNVELS 256 move BOSS2STOPPED ai AIBOSS2SEEKENEMY ABOSS2WALK BOSS2WALKVELS seekplayer ai AIBOSS2RUNENEMY ABOSS2RUN BOSS2RUNVELS faceplayer ai AIBOSS2SHOOTENEMY ABOSS2SHOOT BOSS2STOPPED faceplayer ai AIBOSS2LOBBED ABOSS2LOB BOSS2STOPPED faceplayer ai AIBOSS2DYING ABOSS2DYING BOSS2STOPPED faceplayer ai AIBOSS2PALSHRINK ABOSS2WALK PALBOSS2SHRUNKRUNVELS furthestdir state boss2palshrunkstate ifcount SHRUNKDONECOUNT { cstat 257 ai AITROOPSEEKENEMY } else ifcount SHRUNKCOUNT sizeto 40 40 else state genericshrunkcode ends state checkboss2seekstate ai AIBOSS2SEEKENEMY ifspritepal 0 nullop else // a fake way of doing a ifspritepal NOT. move PALBOSS2RUNVELS seekplayer ends state boss2runenemystate ifcansee { ifactioncount 3 { ifcanshoottarget { resetactioncount sound BOS1_WALK } else ai AIBOSS2SEEKENEMY } ifcount 48 ifrnd 2 { ifp palive { sound BOS2_ATTACK ai AIBOSS2SHOOTENEMY } break } } else ai AIBOSS2SEEKENEMY ends state boss2seekenemystate ifrnd 2 soundonce BOS2_ROAM else ifactioncount 3 { resetactioncount sound BOS1_WALK } ifcansee ifcount 32 ifp palive ifrnd 48 ifcanshoottarget { ifrnd 64 ifpdistg 4096 { ai AIBOSS2RUNENEMY ifspritepal 0 nullop else move PALBOSS2RUNVELS seekplayer break } ifpdistl 10240 { ifrnd 128 { sound BOS2_ATTACK ai AIBOSS2LOBBED } } else { sound BOS2_ATTACK ai AIBOSS2SHOOTENEMY } } ends state boss2dyingstate ifaction ABOSS2DEAD { ifspritepal 0 break ifrespawn ifcount RESPAWNACTORTIME { spawn TRANSPORTERSTAR cstat 257 strength PIGCOPSTRENGTH state checkboss2seekstate } else { strength 0 ifhitweapon ifwasweapon RADIUSEXPLOSION { sound SQUISHED state standard_jibs killit } break } } ifactioncount 8 { iffloordistl 8 sound THUD action ABOSS2DEAD cstat 0 ifspritepal 0 endofgame 52 } ends state boss2lobbedstate ifcansee { ifactioncount 2 resetactioncount else ifactioncount 1 { ifrnd 128 shoot COOLEXPLOSION1 } else ifcount 64 ifrnd 16 state checkboss2seekstate } else state checkboss2seekstate ends state boss2shootenemy ifcount 72 state checkboss2seekstate else ifaction ABOSS2SHOOT ifactioncount 2 { shoot RPG resetactioncount } ends state checkboss2hitstate ifrnd 2 spawn BLOODPOOL ifdead { ifspritepal 0 globalsound DUKE_TALKTOBOSSFALL else { ifrnd 64 globalsound DUKE_TALKTOBOSSFALL ifwasweapon FREEZEBLAST { sound SOMETHINGFROZE spritepal 1 move 0 action ABOSS2FROZEN strength 0 break } } sound BOS2_DYING addkills 1 ai AIBOSS2DYING } else { ifrnd 144 { ifrnd 32 { action BOSS2FLINTCH move 0 } else { sound BOS2_ATTACK ai AIBOSS2SHOOTENEMY } } ifspritepal 0 nullop else ifwasweapon SHRINKSPARK { sound ACTOR_SHRINKING ai AIBOSS2PALSHRINK break } soundonce BOS2_PAIN debris SCRAP1 1 guts JIBS6 1 } ends state boss2code ifaction ABOSS2FROZEN { ifcount THAWTIME { ai AIBOSS2SEEKENEMY spritepal 21 } else ifcount FROZENDRIPTIME { ifactioncount 26 { spawn WATERDRIP resetactioncount } } ifhitweapon { ifwasweapon FREEZEBLAST { strength 0 break } addkills 1 lotsofglass 30 sound GLASS_BREAKING ifrnd 84 spawn BLOODPOOL killit } ifp pfacing ifpdistl FROZENQUICKKICKDIST pkick break } ifai 0 { ifspritepal 0 ai AIBOSS2RUNENEMY else { strength BOSS2PALSTRENGTH sound BOS2_ATTACK ai AIBOSS2SHOOTENEMY } } else ifaction BOSS2FLINTCH { ifactioncount 3 ai AIBOSS2SEEKENEMY } else ifai AIBOSS2SEEKENEMY state boss2seekenemystate else ifai AIBOSS2RUNENEMY state boss2runenemystate else ifai AIBOSS2SHOOTENEMY state boss2shootenemy else ifai AIBOSS2LOBBED state boss2lobbedstate else ifai AIBOSS2PALSHRINK state boss2palshrunkstate ifai AIBOSS2DYING state boss2dyingstate else { ifhitweapon state checkboss2hitstate else ifp palive ifspritepal 0 ifpdistl 1280 { addphealth -1000 palfrom 63 63 } } ends useractor enemy PALBOSS2 BOSS2STRENGTH cactor BOSS2 ifaction 0 { ifspritepal 0 sizeat 80 80 else { sizeat 40 40 clipdist 16 } cstator 257 sound BOS2_RECOG clipdist 16 action ANULLACTION } enda useractor enemystayput PALBOSS2STAYPUT BOSS2STRENGTH cactor BOSS2 ifaction 0 { ifspritepal 0 sizeat 80 80 else { sizeat 40 40 clipdist 16 } cstator 257 sound BOS2_RECOG action ANULLACTION } enda actor BOSS2 BOSS2STRENGTH fall state boss2code ifspritepal 0 nullop else { ifaction 0 { clipdist 16 action ANULLACTION } } enda action ABOSS3WALK 0 4 5 1 30 action ABOSS3FROZEN 0 1 5 action ABOSS3RUN 0 4 5 1 15 action ABOSS3LOB 20 4 5 1 50 action ABOSS3LOBBING 30 2 5 1 15 action ABOSS3DYING 40 8 1 1 20 action BOSS3FLINTCH 40 1 1 1 1 action ABOSS3DEAD 48 move PALBOSS3SHRUNKRUNVELS 32 move PALBOSS3RUNVELS 84 move BOSS3WALKVELS 208 move BOSS3RUNVELS 270 move BOSS3STOPPED ai AIBOSS3SEEKENEMY ABOSS3WALK BOSS3WALKVELS seekplayer ai AIBOSS3RUNENEMY ABOSS3RUN BOSS3RUNVELS faceplayerslow ai AIBOSS3LOBENEMY ABOSS3LOB BOSS3STOPPED faceplayer ai AIBOSS3DYING ABOSS3DYING BOSS3STOPPED faceplayer ai AIBOSS3PALSHRINK ABOSS3WALK PALBOSS3SHRUNKRUNVELS faceplayer state boss3palshrunkstate ifcount SHRUNKDONECOUNT ai AITROOPSEEKENEMY else ifcount SHRUNKCOUNT sizeto 40 40 else state genericshrunkcode ends state checkboss3seekstate ai AIBOSS3SEEKENEMY ifspritepal 0 nullop else // a fake way of doing a ifspritepal NOT. move PALBOSS3RUNVELS seekplayer ends state boss3runenemystate ifcansee { ifactioncount 3 { ifcanshoottarget { resetactioncount sound BOS1_WALK } else ai AIBOSS3SEEKENEMY } } else ai AIBOSS3SEEKENEMY ends state boss3seekenemystate ifrnd 2 soundonce BOS3_ROAM else ifactioncount 3 { resetactioncount sound BOS1_WALK } ifcansee ifcount 32 ifrnd 48 ifcanshoottarget { ifrnd 64 ifpdistg 4096 { ai AIBOSS3RUNENEMY ifspritepal 0 break move PALBOSS3RUNVELS seekplayer break } ifp palive ai AIBOSS3LOBENEMY } ends state boss3dyingstate ifaction ABOSS3DEAD { ifspritepal 0 break ifrespawn ifcount RESPAWNACTORTIME { spawn TRANSPORTERSTAR cstat 257 strength PIGCOPSTRENGTH state checkboss3seekstate } else { strength 0 ifhitweapon ifwasweapon RADIUSEXPLOSION { sound SQUISHED state standard_jibs killit } break } } ifactioncount 8 { iffloordistl 8 sound THUD action ABOSS3DEAD cstat 0 ifspritepal 0 endofgame 52 } ends state boss3lobbedstate ifcansee { ifaction ABOSS3LOBBING ifactioncount 2 { shoot RPG resetactioncount ifrnd 8 ai AIBOSS3SEEKENEMY } ifactioncount 3 { action ABOSS3LOBBING resetcount } } else state checkboss3seekstate ends state checkboss3hitstate ifrnd 2 spawn BLOODPOOL ifdead { ifspritepal 0 globalsound DUKE_TALKTOBOSSFALL else { ifrnd 64 globalsound DUKE_TALKTOBOSSFALL ifwasweapon FREEZEBLAST { sound SOMETHINGFROZE spritepal 1 move 0 action ABOSS3FROZEN strength 0 break } } addkills 1 ai AIBOSS3DYING sound BOS3_DYING sound JIBBED_ACTOR9 } else { ifrnd 32 { action BOSS3FLINTCH move 0 } ifspritepal 0 nullop else ifwasweapon SHRINKSPARK { sound ACTOR_SHRINKING ai AIBOSS3PALSHRINK break } soundonce BOS3_PAIN debris SCRAP1 1 guts JIBS6 1 } ends state boss3code ifaction ABOSS3FROZEN { ifcount THAWTIME { ai AIBOSS3SEEKENEMY spritepal 21 } else ifcount FROZENDRIPTIME { ifactioncount 26 { spawn WATERDRIP resetactioncount } } ifhitweapon { ifwasweapon FREEZEBLAST { strength 0 break } addkills 1 lotsofglass 30 ifrnd 84 spawn BLOODPOOL sound GLASS_BREAKING killit } ifp pfacing ifpdistl FROZENQUICKKICKDIST pkick break } ifai 0 { ifspritepal 0 ai AIBOSS3RUNENEMY else { strength BOSS3PALSTRENGTH ai AIBOSS3LOBENEMY } } else ifaction BOSS3FLINTCH { ifactioncount 3 ai AIBOSS3SEEKENEMY } else ifai AIBOSS3SEEKENEMY state boss3seekenemystate else ifai AIBOSS3RUNENEMY state boss3runenemystate else ifai AIBOSS3LOBENEMY state boss3lobbedstate else ifai AIBOSS3PALSHRINK state boss3palshrunkstate ifai AIBOSS3DYING state boss3dyingstate else { ifhitweapon state checkboss3hitstate else ifp palive ifspritepal 0 ifpdistl 1280 { addphealth -1000 palfrom 63 63 } } ends useractor enemy PALBOSS3 BOSS3STRENGTH cactor BOSS3 ifaction 0 { ifspritepal 0 sizeat 80 80 else { sizeat 40 40 clipdist 16 } cstator 257 sound BOS3_RECOG clipdist 16 action ANULLACTION } enda useractor enemystayput PALBOSS3STAYPUT BOSS3STRENGTH cactor BOSS3 ifaction 0 { ifspritepal 0 sizeat 80 80 else { sizeat 40 40 clipdist 16 } cstator 257 sound BOS3_RECOG clipdist 16 action ANULLACTION } enda actor BOSS3 BOSS3STRENGTH fall state boss3code ifspritepal 0 nullop else { ifaction 0 { clipdist 16 action ANULLACTION } } enda
4. Search for BOSS2 and BOSS3 in GAME.CON, while should start and ends with:
action ABOSS4WALK 0 4 5 1 30
actor BOSS4 BOSS4STRENGTH fall cactor BOSS4 spritepal 6 state boss4code getlastpal enda
Select all and change to:
action ABOSS4WALK 0 4 5 1 30 action ABOSS4FROZEN 0 1 5 action ABOSS4DYING 40 9 1 1 20 action ABOSS4ABOUTTOSHOOT 20 1 5 1 40 action ABOSS4SHOOT 25 2 5 1 10 action ABOSS4LAYIT 50 3 5 1 120 action BOSS4FLINTCH 40 1 1 1 1 action ABOSS4DEAD 49 move PALBOSS4WALKVELS 48 move BOSS4WALKVELS 128 move BOSS4STOPPED ai AIBOSS4SEEKENEMY ABOSS4WALK BOSS4WALKVELS seekplayer ai AIBOSS4LAYEGGS ABOSS4WALK BOSS4WALKVELS randomangle geth ai AIBOSS4SHOOT ABOSS4ABOUTTOSHOOT BOSS4STOPPED faceplayer ai AIBOSS4DYING ABOSS4DYING BOSS4STOPPED faceplayer state boss4shootstate ifaction ABOSS4ABOUTTOSHOOT ifactioncount 3 action ABOSS4SHOOT ifaction ABOSS4SHOOT { ifcount 48 { ifrnd 4 ai AIBOSS4LAYEGGS } ifcount 26 ifrnd 32 { ifrnd 128 { sound SHORT_CIRCUIT addphealth -2 } else { sound DUKE_GRUNT addphealth -1 } palfrom 32 32 0 0 } } ends state boss4layeggs ifrnd 2 sound BOS4_ROAM ifaction ABOSS4LAYIT { ifactioncount 3 ifcount 32 { ai AIBOSS4LAYEGGS ifrnd 32 move BOSS4WALKVELS furthestdir geth spawn NEWBEASTHANG } } else ifcount 64 ifrnd 4 { move 0 ifrnd 88 { action ABOSS4LAYIT sound BOS4_LAY } else ifp palive ifcansee { ai AIBOSS4SHOOT sound BOS4_ATTACK } } ends state boss4dyingstate ifaction ABOSS4DEAD break else ifactioncount 9 { iffloordistl 8 sound THUD endofgame 52 action ABOSS4DEAD cstat 0 } ends state checkboss4hitstate ifrnd 2 spawn BLOODPOOL ifdead { globalsound DUKE_TALKTOBOSSFALL addkills 1 ai AIBOSS4DYING sound BOS4_DYING sound BOSS4_DEADSPEECH } else { soundonce BOS4_PAIN debris SCRAP1 1 guts JIBS6 1 ifaction ABOSS4LAYIT break ifrnd 16 { action BOSS4FLINTCH move 0 } } ends state boss4code ifai 0 ai AIBOSS4LAYEGGS else ifaction BOSS4FLINTCH { ifactioncount 3 ai AIBOSS4LAYEGGS } else ifai AIBOSS4LAYEGGS state boss4layeggs else ifai AIBOSS4SHOOT state boss4shootstate ifai AIBOSS4DYING state boss4dyingstate else { ifhitweapon state checkboss4hitstate else ifp palive ifpdistl 1280 { addphealth -1000 palfrom 63 63 } } ends state checkpalboss4seekstate ai AIBOSS4SEEKENEMY move PALBOSS4WALKVELS seekplayer ends state palboss4seekenemystate ifrnd 2 sound BOS4_ROAM ifcount 64 ifrnd 4 { move 0 ifp palive ifcansee { ai AIBOSS4SHOOT sound BOS4_ATTACK } } ends state palboss4shootstate ifaction ABOSS4ABOUTTOSHOOT ifactioncount 3 action ABOSS4SHOOT ifaction ABOSS4SHOOT { ifcount 48 { ifrnd 4 { state checkpalboss4seekstate } } ifcount 26 ifrnd 32 { ifrnd 128 { sound SHORT_CIRCUIT addphealth -2 } else { sound DUKE_GRUNT addphealth -1 } palfrom 32 32 0 0 } } ends state palboss4dyingstate ifaction ABOSS4DEAD { ifrespawn ifcount RESPAWNACTORTIME { spawn TRANSPORTERSTAR cstat 257 strength PIGCOPSTRENGTH state checkpalboss4seekstate } else { strength 0 ifhitweapon ifwasweapon RADIUSEXPLOSION { sound SQUISHED state standard_jibs killit } break } } ifactioncount 9 { iffloordistl 8 sound THUD action ABOSS4DEAD cstat 0 } ends state checkpalboss4hitstate ifrnd 2 spawn BLOODPOOL ifdead { ifrnd 64 globalsound DUKE_TALKTOBOSSFALL ifwasweapon FREEZEBLAST { sound SOMETHINGFROZE spritepal 1 move 0 action ABOSS4FROZEN strength 0 break } addkills 1 ai AIBOSS4DYING sound BOS4_DYING sound BOSS4_DEADSPEECH } else { soundonce BOS4_PAIN debris SCRAP1 1 guts JIBS6 1 ifaction ABOSS4LAYIT break ifrnd 16 { action BOSS4FLINTCH move 0 } } ends state palboss4code ifaction ABOSS4FROZEN { ifcount THAWTIME { ai AIBOSS4SEEKENEMY spritepal 3 } else ifcount FROZENDRIPTIME { ifactioncount 26 { spawn WATERDRIP resetactioncount } } ifhitweapon { ifwasweapon FREEZEBLAST { strength 0 break } addkills 1 lotsofglass 30 ifrnd 84 spawn BLOODPOOL sound GLASS_BREAKING killit } ifp pfacing ifpdistl FROZENQUICKKICKDIST pkick break } ifai 0 { strength BOSS4PALSTRENGTH sound BOS4_ATTACK ai AIBOSS4SHOOT } else ifaction BOSS4FLINTCH { ifactioncount 3 ai AIBOSS4SEEKENEMY } else ifai AIBOSS4SEEKENEMY state palboss4seekenemystate else ifai AIBOSS4SHOOT state palboss4shootstate ifai AIBOSS4DYING state palboss4dyingstate else { ifhitweapon state checkpalboss4hitstate } ends actor BOSS4STAYPUT BOSS4STRENGTH fall cactor BOSS4 ifspritepal 0 { spritepal 6 state boss4code getlastpal } else ifaction ABOSS4FROZEN state palboss4code else { spritepal 6 state palboss4code ifaction ABOSS4FROZEN break getlastpal } enda useractor enemy PALBOSS4 BOSS4STRENGTH fall cactor BOSS4 ifaction 0 { ifspritepal 0 sizeat 80 80 else sizeat 40 40 cstator 257 sound BOS4_RECOG action ANULLACTION } ifspritepal 0 { spritepal 6 state boss4code getlastpal } else ifaction ABOSS4FROZEN state palboss4code else { spritepal 6 state palboss4code ifaction ABOSS4FROZEN break getlastpal } enda useractor enemystayput PALBOSS4STAYPUT BOSS4STRENGTH fall cactor BOSS4 ifaction 0 { ifspritepal 0 sizeat 80 80 else sizeat 40 40 cstator 257 sound BOS4_RECOG action ANULLACTION } ifspritepal 0 { spritepal 6 state boss4code getlastpal } else ifaction ABOSS4FROZEN state palboss4code else { spritepal 6 state palboss4code ifaction ABOSS4FROZEN break getlastpal } enda actor BOSS4 BOSS4STRENGTH fall cactor BOSS4 ifspritepal 0 { spritepal 6 state boss4code getlastpal } else ifaction ABOSS4FROZEN state palboss4code else { spritepal 6 state palboss4code ifaction ABOSS4FROZEN break getlastpal } enda
With this code, to insert a miniboss, use the correct tile PALBOSS (if you want, you still can use the normal, but there will be Duke talks when see the player) and insert BOSS2 and BOSS3 with pallete 21 and BOSS4 with pallete 3 (you can change the CON code of BOSS4 to change to another pallete like 15).