Category:Editing Water

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Build/Mapster32 Map Editing

NOTE: Much of information on this page is from around 1999. Some may be outdated, and some may be incorrect -- this page exists to get you started with the Level Editing and may not currently cover some of the additional features available in Mapster32.

Submergible Water


Submergible water is a neat effect, and easy to make.

STEP 1: Create your "source sector" (i.e. - the above water sector). Give this sector a sector lotag value of 1 (by pressing the [T] key inside the sector in 2D mode and entering in the value).
STEP 2: Create a "destination sector" (i.e. - the below water sector). Give this sector a sector lotag value of 2.
NOTE 1: The destination sector should be *exactly* the same size and shape as the source sector. If it is not, the effect will not work properly.
STEP 3: Place one sector effector sprite in the source sector. Also, place one sector effector sprite in the destination sector. The sprite in the destination sector must be in the *exact* same place as it is in the source sector.
STEP 4: Give both sprites a lotag value of 7. Then give both sprites the same, unique hitag value. You're done - Take a look at the tutorial map if you don't quite understand.

Sloped Water Sectors


To make it possible to submerge into an underwater area with a sloped floor, simply place the sector effector sprite in the underwater sector near the lowest point (the axis line) of that sector. Do not place the sector effector sprite on the axis line itself.

Swimming in Slime


To create an underwater area resembling slime, simply give the sector effector sprite in the underwater sector a palette value of 8. This is done by pressing the [ALT]+[P] keys on the sprite in 3D mode.

Making Waves


To have waves work properly, you must follow a preset rule. This rule isn't too complex, but it must be followed.

RULE 1: The wave sector(s) must be four-sided. If they are not, the wave will not work correctly.
STEP 1: Create several four-sided sectors (side by side - they should share a red line with their adjacent sector). Lower these sectors so that they are in their lowest position. Give each sector a sector lotag value of 1.
NOTE 1: If you want the waves to be sloped, remember to set your first wall on these sectors. The first wall should be the same on all of the sectors for it to look right.
STEP 2: Place one sector effector sprite in each sector that you created. Give each sprite a lotag value of 29. Then give each sprite any hitag value between 0 and 2047. This hitag value is the starting height of the wave.
STEP 3: Place one GPSpeed sprite in each sector, and give it any lotag value between 0 and 2047. This value is the height of the wave after it starts.
NOTE 2: If the waves are too high, Duke will not be able to stay afloat (provided that the sector is submergible).
NOTE 3: Wave sectors can be made into submergible sectors by following the standard guidelines for submergible water.

The Rising Water Effect


This interesting effect simulates water rushing into an area and slowly rising (as it would realistically do).

STEP 1: Create a submergible water area (one above water and one below water sector). See the submergible water how-to for the instructions on the construction of this effect.
STEP 2: Create a sector that the player will pass through, and place one Touchplate sprite in this sector. Give this sprite a hitag value of 1 and a unique lotag value.
STEP 3: For the "source sector" (the above-the-water sector), place the following sprites: 1 sector effector, 1 Masterswitch, and 1 GPSpeed.
NOTE 1: The GPSpeed sprite is purely optional, but is used in slowing the rising effect of the water.
STEP 4: Give the sector effector sprite a lotag of 31, and a hitag value equal to the Touchplate lotag value. The angle of this sprite should also face upwards.
STEP 5: Give the Masterswitch sprite a lotag value equal to the Touchplate lotag value.
STEP 6: Give the GPSpeed sprite any lotag value you want (the higher the number, the faster the water rises; the lower the number, the slower the water rises).
STEP 7: The "above-the-water" sector should look as if the water has not yet risen. Raise the sector effector sprite (with the lotag of 31) to the height that you want the water to rise to (the water will rise to the bottom of the sector effector sprite).
STEP 8: Place the following sprites in the "under-the-water" sector: 1 sector effector sprite, 1 Masterswitch sprite, and 1 GPSpeed sprite.
NOTE 2: Again, the GPSpeed sprite is purely optional, but is used in slowing the rising effect of the water. The rate for this sprite should also be the exact same as in the "above-the-water" sector.
STEP 9: Make sure that the underwater sector looks as if the water has already risen.
NOTE 3: It is best if the ceiling of this sector is exactly as high as the rising height of the floor in the "above-the-water" sector.
STEP 10: Give the sector effector sprite you placed in step 8 a lotag value of 32, and leave the hitag value as 0. The angle of this sprite should be down, and this sprite should be raised to the height that you want the water in this sector to *start* at.
STEP 11: Give the Masterswitch sprite placed in step 8 the same lotag value as the Touchplate lotag value.
STEP 12: Give the GPSpeed sprite any lotag value you want (the higher the number, the faster the water rises; the lower the number, the slower the water rises).
STEP 13: Enter 3D mode while in the "under-the-water" sector and press the [O] (the letter o, not the number zero) key on all the walls in this sector. If you do not do this, the effect will look rather unrealistic. You are now finished - take a look at the tutorial map if you do not understand.

Level Over Level Water Trick


This is an extremely cool effect, and was originally designed by Ben Roffelsen. This effect consists of two individual how-tos, joined together in an interesting way. Using level over level techniques and submergible water, a "true submergible water effect" can be constructed (i.e. - when you look at the map in the game, and you submerge into the water, you will not 'teleport' to another sector, but will appear as if you are still in the same area [which you are]).

Read through this entire how-to before constructing this effect. Some things you might want to consider are towards the end of this how-to.

STEP 1: Construct the submergible water effect (one above-water sector and one below-water sector). These two sectors should be the exact same size and shape.
NOTE 1: The floor of the above-water sector should be higher than the ceiling of the below-water sector. If this rule is not followed, this effect will not work.
STEP 2: Select the above-water sector (using the right [ALT] key and dragging with the mouse pointer to form the selection box). Turn off grid lock by pressing the [L] key. Move the selected sector over the below-water sector. Make sure that the vertices of the above-water sector are as close as they can be without being directly on top of the vertices of the below-water sector.
NOTE 2: Turning the grid lock off is required. If the vertices of the above-water sector are exactly where the vertices for the below-water sector are, the sectors will join, and the whole construction will be ruined (you'll have to start over).
STEP 3: Now create a passage from the lower level (where the below-water sector is located) to the upper level (where the above-water sector is located). Take a look at the tutorial map to see how I did it.
NOTE 3: You may want to create the passage before moving the above-water sector. This may make it easier to connect the passage with another part of your level.

You are now complete. Take a look at the tutorial map to see exactly how this effect was created.

Timed Underwater Airlocks (Complex)


Due to the complexity of this effect, I have only provided this effect as a tutorial map. The map was created by Gijs de Vries, and uses a two-way train for timing. The map shouldn't be too hard to pull apart.

Rising Water on Sloped Surfaces (Complex)


Due to the complexity of this effect, I have only provided this effect as a tutorial map. The map was created by Gijs de Vries. This is an advanced effect, so take your time in pulling it apart.

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