whilevarn <gamevar> <value> { code to execute }
Executes the code in the curly braces as long as <gamevar> does not equal <value>. This is a simple while loop.
Caution: Poor execution or endless loops will cause your game to close without error or simply stall and crash!
An example:
gamevar TEMP 0 2 gamevar RANDX 0 2 gamevar RANDY 0 2 gamevar RANDZ 0 2 state troopspawnstate setvar TEMP 0 whilevarn TEMP 10 { randvar RANDX 2048 mulvarvar RANDX TEMP randvar RANDY 2048 mulvarvar RANDY TEMP randvar RANDZ 2048 mulvarvar RANDZ TEMP espawn EXPLOSION2 // Spawn an explosion at a random location setactor[RETURN].x RANDX // that gets progressively further away the setactor[RETURN].y RANDY // longer that the code executes. setactor[RETURN].z RANDZ addvar TEMP 1 } ends . . . state troopcode . . . ifaction ATROOPHIDE // Execute the code while the Liztroop state troopspawnstate // Captain is teleporting in/out. ifaction ATROOPREAPPEAR state troopspawnstate . . . ends