sizeat <xrepeat> <yrepeat>
Like sizeto, but instantaneous. The default sprite size is 64 64.
Actors with xrepeat or yrepeat of zero are deleted. A sizeat 0 0 is the same as killit.
Most enemy actors' default size is 40 40, with expections like SHARK, TANK and bosses.
Changing these values in actor APLAYER (default size: 42 36) will modify the player's view. This happens because the game is hard-coded to assume that a smaller APLAYER has been shrunk while a larger APLAYER has been "microwaved" by the Expander weapon. In this case:
- Setting a lower xrepeat will replace the player's weapon with two fists.
- Setting a lower yrepeat will set the view at a low angle and prevent the player from jumping.
- Setting a higher xrepeat or yrepeat results in increasing the field of view.