getticks <gamevar>
Writes the amount of milliseconds(1 second = 1000 millisecond) since the OS started to <gamevar>. This clock isn't synced with the game which means that it must not be used for the gameplay if the mod is supposed to work in multiplayer. This command is useful for visual animating(especially in EVENT_DISPLAYMENU) and for performance profiling.
Example code(animation)
gamevar prevtick -1 0 gamevar curtick 0 0 gamevar tmp 0 0 // =curtick-prevtick gamevar y 0 0 onevent EVENT_DISPLAYMENU getticks curtick ifvare prevtick -1 setvar tmp 0 else { setvarvar tmp curtick subvarvar tmp prevtick } mulvar tmp 8800 addvarvar y tmp ifvarg y 13107200 setvar y 0 // 200*65536=13107200 rotatesprite16 0 y 65536 0 0 0 0 26 0 0 xdim ydim setvarvar prevtick curtick endevent
Example code(performance profiling)
gamevar i 0 0 gamevar j 0 0 // Loop from 0 to NUMWALLS-1 state process_normal setvar j 0 whilevarn j 1000 { setvar i 0 whilevarvarn i NUMWALLS { addvar i 1 } addvar j 1 } ends // Loop from NUMWALLS-1 to 0 state process_backward setvar j 0 whilevarn j 1000 { setvarvar i NUMWALLS subvar i 1 whilevarn i -1 { subvar i 1 } addvar j 1 } ends onevent EVENT_ENTERLEVEL gamevar val1 0 0 gamevar val2 0 0 addlogvar NUMWALLS getticks val1 state process_normal getticks val2 subvarvar val2 val1 addlogvar val2 getticks val1 state process_backward getticks val2 subvarvar val2 val1 addlogvar val2 endevent /* output CONLOGVAR: L=1266 NUMWALLS (read-only) (Global) =14793 CONLOGVAR: L=1272 val2 (Global) =1628 // normal CONLOGVAR: L=1278 val2 (Global) =1285 // reverse It shows how that processing in reverse order is faster. */