Talk:Basics playing

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Revision as of 06:40, 27 October 2008 by Hendricks266 (talk | contribs)
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This page seems quite unnecessary given the scope of this wiki. TX 14:18, 26 October 2008 (PDT)

Because Nukey said that if this guide was to be uploaded to the Wiki it has to contain everything that is in the guide or no guide at all :(

He will eventully take into account of the Eduke32 changes.

All content added here needs to fall under the GNU Free Documentation License, which specifies that anyone can edit the text in any way, use it or portions of it elsewhere, et cetera. I haven't seen where Nukey let you add his content here, but if he isn't willing to make it freely available (which he should, considering that the game and all of the ports and everything else which require significantly more effort to produce and maintain are 100% free in that manner) then his content will have to be removed. It's not cool to hold information which is freely available elsewhere hostage! You should see if he's willing to reconsider... I really can't fathom anyone ripping his text and trying to say it's their guide to a 12-year-old game and not his, and for as long as the content is here there obviously isn't going to be any question as to where the content originated, so I don't see what the problem is. If he doesn't want to do it, you'll have to remove it. TX 01:38, 27 October 2008 (PDT)

We had been talking in PM messages on AMC, I will tell him everything you have said and if he isn't happy with it then I will remove it. It will be a real shame if he isnt going to be happy with it because it really is a good build faq cos its one of very little that I know of that contain pictures and indepth info. The Commander 00:23, 28 October 2008 (PDT)

This should really be renamed and have all screenshots replaced with DOSBox. Hendricks266 07:40, 27 October 2008 (PDT)