Category:Editing Miscellaneous

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Build/Mapster32 Map Editing

NOTE: Much of information on this page is from around 1999. Some may be outdated, and some may be incorrect -- this page exists to get you started with the Level Editing and may not currently cover some of the additional features available in Mapster32.


Secret Areas

Apply a lotag of 32767 to a sector to create a secret area. When the player walks over this sector, it counts as one secret area discovered. The game also totals the number of sectors assigned this lotag, so try to use only one secret sector for each secret area.


Turning Shooters Off

Difficulty Settings

To assign difficulty levels to enemies, assign them with a lotag matching the desired skill level, such as 1 for Piece of Cake or 4 for Damn I'm Good.

Signs That Fall When Shot

Simply take a flattened sprite and assign it a unique hitag and it will be vulnerable to explosions. Assign multiple objects the same hitag, such as the faces of a 3D bridge, and each sprite will collapse together as a structure.

Lightning and Thunder (Version 1.4 or 1.5 Required)

Making Rain

Forcing Duke To Start Weaponless

Simply put the starting place over an floor-tile that hurts. I.E HURTRAIL(#859) - LAVA(#1082) - SLIME (#200)

You can make Duke start weaponless, without hurting him.

  • STEP 1: Make a hole in the floor.
  • STEP 2: Put the HURT-TILE on the hole floor.
  • STEP 3: Place an sprite on the main floor, and make it flat (2 presses on [R] key)
  • STEP 4: Select the same texture as the floor tile. ([V] Twice)
  • STEP 5: Arange the sprite, so it covers the hole.

NOTE: Make sure the sprite is "Hard" (purple in color) Point at the sprite, and press the [B] key

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