Frequently Asked Questions

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Q: When launching EDuke32, I get an error about a missing file called 'GAME.CON' or 'EDUKE.CON'. Help!

A: It would appear that you haven't placed a copy of 'DUKE3D.GRP' from your Duke Nukem 3D or Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition CD into your EDuke32 directory. Once you place 'DUKE3D.GRP' into the same directory as 'eduke32.exe', the game should launch and run fine. You may also use the shareware version's 'DUKE3D.GRP' as well. If you're sure you've put 'DUKE3D.GRP' in the right place but you still get this error, your GRP file is likely corrupt and will need to be re-copied off of your CD.
Here is a picture of what the startup window looks like with several different GRP files available and the DukePlus mod selected. Note that the shareware version and the original, non-Atomic Edition version of the game have both had their GRP files renamed; all versions of Duke Nukem 3D ship with a GRP file named 'DUKE3D.GRP'

Q: What is the 'Game' section of the startup screen used for?

A: The 'Game' section is a feature that allows you to select which GRP file you would like to play. The GRP files must exactly match the versions found on their respective CDs, without any modifications. The following games are supported:
  • Duke Nukem 3D Shareware Version
  • Duke Nukem 3D
  • Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition
  • NAM (Note: you must rename GAME.CON from NAM to NAM.CON)
  • Napalm (Wal-Mart only version of NAM, some .GRP differences between the two releases)
  • WW2GI (Limited Support using NAM mode as a base)
You can also use the startup window to select a third party mod to play.

Q: When I am playing EDuke32 with 16-, 24-, or 32-bit color, everything has a blue tint! How can I fix this?

A: Unfortunately, most people who run into this error are out of luck, especially those with an Intel or SiS video chipset. There are a few things you can do to try and fix this problem:
  • Open the console and type "glredbluemode 0"
  • Download the newest drivers for your graphics card
  • Delete the texture cache directory
  • Try the latest snapshot of EDuke32
Note: the following driver vendors have been blacklisted in the newest versions of EDuke32. If you have a video card or driver from one of these companies, OpenGL modes will not be available:
  • Microsoft (default OpenGL ICD which comes with Windows)
  • SiS
  • Intel
  • 3Dfx
OpenGL can still be enabled for these cards by setting the BUILD_FORCEGL environment variable before running EDuke32. It should be noted, however, that the results will probably be less than satisfactory. If you have a blacklisted driver but EDuke32 seems to run fine using BUILD_FORCEGL, please send us your eduke32.log so that we can add an exception for your video card/driver combination.

Q: How can I play multiplayer on the Internet or my LAN using EDuke32?

A: Take a look at the release notes for JFDuke3D or download and install YANG (Yet Another Netplay Guider) and follow YANG's installation instructions.
Or if simple LAN play is only required you can launch Eduke32 with these command line arguments.
  • HOST Computer: -net -n0:# (Change the value of " # " to how many players there are, e.g. -n0:2 would be a two player game)
  • JOINING Computer: -net -n0 # {Change the value of " # " to the hosts IP adress)
Note: The host must lauch his or her .bat/shortcut first before any of the joining computers can launch theirs or the game will not launch.

Q: Where can I get a copy of Duke Nukem 3D to run EDuke32?

A: You'll need to either purchase the game from the 3D Realms Online Store, Good Old Games (I'd give you a direct link to this but there appears to be a bug in your external link preventing CAPTCHA system prevents me saving the page due to it's need to have a preview of the page before it'll save but WHOOPS! The preview doesn't have a CAPTCHA box!), (I'd give you a direct yadda yadda yadda), or any place that sells old computer games. (Try a flea market. It's just like a mini-mall.) You can also use the shareware version. While the source code to Duke Nukem 3D has been released to the public under the GNU General Public License, the game's content (artwork, sounds, maps, et cetera) remains a commercial product. DO NOT post anywhere or ask anybody at all about where to acquire this game illegally. Support 3D Realms for making the most awesome game ever and don't be a pirate, yarrr! Seriously, it costs upwards of 10 bucks now -- if you can't afford it, get off the Internet and get a job!

Q: I recently upgraded my video card, and now all of the textures in EDuke32 are screwed up. Help!

A: You'll need to remove the 'texcache' subdirectory of whichever directory you've installed EDuke32 in. This happens due to differences in the texture formats requested by the drivers for various video cards and this issue will be addressed in a future update. Another solution is to enter the video setup menu and change the texture quality slider, which will invalidate the texture cache.