cstat <number>
A bitfield for how to draw an actor, as well as a few flags for interaction. Add all together all wanted flag values, and use that as <number>.
Cstat is available for sprite structs and for wall structs. See cstat(wall).
Flag values for sprite cstat are:
- 1 - Make sprite blockable
- 2 - Make sprite transparent
- 4 - Flip sprite around x-axis
- 8 - Flip sprite around y-axis
- 16 - Draw sprite as vertically flat (wall aligned)
- 32 - Draw sprite as horizontally flat (floor aligned)
- 64 - Make sprite one sided
- 128 - Half submerged
- 256 - Make sprite able to be hit by weapons
- 512 - Second transparency level (combine with cstat 2)
- 8192 - Sprite will not cast a Polymer shadow
- 16384 - Sprite will be invisible but will still cast a Polymer shadow
- 32768 - Invisible
Also see cstator.