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sizeat <xrepeat> <yrepeat>

Like sizeto, but instantaneous. 64 64 is the default sprite size.

If you want to change the size of an actor sprites, remember that if it is not respawned, it is already on Build withour respawn, you must already have the custom sizeat on it usign 8, 4, 6 and 2 keys on the sprite (except original game enemis). To do it: You have a custom boss with sizeat 80 80, so you must click 16 times the keys 6 and 2 (80 - 64 = 16) to grow it. If the enemy is 48 40, you must press key 8 (y) 16 times (64 - 48 = 16) and key 4 (x) 24 times (64 - 40 = 24).