Talk:Full command list

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Revision as of 03:35, 26 August 2005 by TX (talk | contribs)
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To-do list:

Finish documenting all entries in command list.

Update list with 1.3.0 additions/removals. Should the whole list be regenerated? If not, add the following to current list:

   "displayrandvar",           // 250
   "displayrandvarvar",        // 251
   "checkavailinven",          // 252
   "globalsoundvar",           // 253
   "guniqhudid",               // 254
   "getprojectile",            // 255
   "getthisprojectile",        // 256
   "setthisprojectile",        // 257
   "definecheat",              // 258
   "cheatkeys",                // 259
   "userquote",                // 260
   "precache",                 // 261
   "projectile",               // 262
   "redefinequote",            // 263
   "dynquote",                 // 264
   "getpname",                 // 265
   "qstrcat",                  // 266
   "qstrcpy",                  // 267
   "setsprite",                // 268
   "rotatepoint",              // 269
   "dragpoint",                // 270
   "getzrange",                // 271
   "changespritestat",         // 272
   "getceilzofslope",          // 273
   "getflorzofslope",          // 274
   "neartag",                  // 275