Multipsky (DEF)
multipsky { [...] }
Defines a set of tiles to be used on a parallaxed texture.
tile <tilenum>
The tile number that will display the set of tiles.
panel <number> <offset>
Define multiple texture to be used by one parallaxed texture.
lognumtiles <value>
By default, the engine will display 8 parallaxed textures in 360 degrees, regardless of the width of the tiles. Use this to change the number of parallaxed textures horizontally.
The number of parallaxed textures equals 2<value>.
yscale <value>
Change the y-scale of the sky.
yoffset <value>
Change the y-center of the sky.
horizfrac <value>
Change the scale which the sky moves up or down with the vertical angle.
The default value is 32768. A value of 65536 means the sky will align perfectly with the horiz, like the sky used in the Derelic level.
Defines a set of tiles identical to the Los Angeles sky (tile #89) used in Duke Nukem 3D:
multipsky 89 { lognumtiles 3 horizfrac 17408 panel 0 1 panel 1 2 panel 2 1 panel 3 3 panel 4 4 panel 5 0 panel 6 2 panel 7 3 }