Video setup

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The video setup menu is used to adjust several aspects of the game's video display.

Common Settings


Resolution allows you to select the screen resolution. Use the arrow keys to dial through all available screen resolutions.


Renderer allows two render options, Software or OpenGL. There are in fact three renderers in the game which can be toggled with the setrendermode console command.

Full Screen

Full Screen is a toggle for Yes (Full Screen) or No (Windowed).

Color Correction

Color Correction opens to the the following sub-menu:
  • Gamma is a slider to adjust the gamma of the display.
  • Contrast is a slider to adjust the contrast of the display.
  • Brightness is a slider to adjust brightness of the display.


Pixel Doubling

Pixel Doubling is the correct terminology for the Detail option in the original game's option menu, with Off corresponding to High Detail and On to Low Detail. When enabled, this setting cuts the amount of detail on screen in half by drawing the game viewport at half the current resolution then doubling the pixels from 1x1 to 2x2. This option only appears for the Classic renderer and is recommended to be Off at all times unless the hardware you are using is incredibly weak making this a necessity.

Renderer Setup

Renderer Setup when in the 'Software' mode opens to the the following sub-menu:
  • Aspect Ratio is an adjustment for the selected screen resolution. Auto is recommended for most systems. Other options are Old Regular and Old Wide.
  • Ambient Light Level is a slider that adjusts the visibility of the game. Depending on the selected screen resolution is affects the visibility of the scene and objects within.


Texture Filter

Texture Filter blurs highres textures to "smooth over" visible pixels. Six filter types are available, Nearest (basic), Nearest-MM-Nearest, Nearest-MM-Linear, Linear, Bilinear and Trilinear. For the original 8-bit art, Nearest-MM-Linear is highly recommended. For highres art, Trilinear is recommended.

Renderer Setup

Renderer Setup opens to the the following sub-menu when in the OpenGL mode:
  • Aspect Ratio is an adjustment for the selected screen resolution. Auto is recommended for most systems. In the OpenGL mode, the available ratios of 1.33:1, 1.66:1, 1.78:1, 1.85:1 or 2.35:1 can be selected with the arrow keys.
  • Ambient Light Level adjusts the illumination of the game with a slider. Depending on the selected screen resolution, it affects the visibility of the scene and objects within.
  • Anisotropic Filtering means filter (sharpen) distant scenes viewed from an angle. What is available is 2x (2:1), 4x (4:1), 8x (8:1), 16x (16:1) and None. Consult the specification of your video card for the highest setting you can (should) use.
  • Use VSync avoids tearing the screens. It should only be set to No if your video card cannot handle the resulting processor load.
  • Enable Highres Textures utilizes any defined hightile textures and enables the other related options:
  • Highres Texture Quality is slider for fine tune the sharpness of the textures.
  • Preload Map Textures is a toggle to either preload the textures (On) before playing the map or loading them during play (Off).
  • Use Texture Cache can be enabled with On or Compressed. This currently works only for NVIDIA graphics cards. AMD users should leave this to Off.
  • Use Detailed Textures is an option to enable any defined detail maps.
  • Use Models is a toggle to utilize any defined 3D models.