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The following values are used by rotatesprite, rotatesprite16, rotatespritea, screentext, gametext, minitext, digitalnumber, digitalnumberz, myos and myospalx.

Exposed Value Label Description
No 1 RS_TRANS1 Translucency level one (66% opacity).
No 2 RS_AUTO Scaling on 320-200 coordinates. This is implicitly applied to all CON screen drawing commands, but including it in your bitfields is recommended for clarity and portability of your code.
No 4 RS_YFLIP Used to invert Y coordinates. Combine this bit with an angle of 1024 (using rotatesprite) and the tile will appear to have inverted X coordinates. If you want inversion for both the X and Y coordinates, simply set the angle (again, with rotatesprite) to 1024 and do not use this bit.
No 8 RS_NOCLIP Causes the sprite to be not affected by the screen size (using the + or - commands). This is usefull, for example, when displaying a status bar.
No 16 RS_TOPLEFT Forces the center of the sprite you're drawing to its top-left if set. It also ignores the x-y offset of the tile.
No 32 RS_TRANS2 Translucency level two (33% opacity). It won't work if 1 is not set.
No 64 RS_NOMASK Forces masking off if set. It discards translucency too.
No 128 RS_PERM "Permanent" tile (deprecated).
No 256 RS_ALIGN_L Align to the left (widescreen support)
No 512 RS_ALIGN_R Align to the right (widescreen support)
No 1024 RS_STRETCH Stretch to screen resolution (distorts aspect ratio; this is the behavior of rotatesprite prior to widescreen awareness)
No 2048 ROTATESPRITE_FULL16 Always interpret coordinate values as having "full" precision, bit-shifted left by 16, so that 20971520x13107200 corresponds to 320x200. See rotatesprite16.
No 4096 RS_LERP Enables interpolation of coordinates between rotatesprite calls per guniqhudid. Changes of tilenum reset interpolation.
No 8192 RS_FORCELERP Forces interpolation, even if the tilenum changes between calls.
define RS_TRANS1                        0x00000001
define RS_AUTO                          0x00000002
define RS_YFLIP                         0x00000004
define RS_NOCLIP                        0x00000008
define RS_TOPLEFT                       0x00000010
define RS_TRANS2                        0x00000020
define RS_NOMASK                        0x00000040
define RS_PERM                          0x00000080
define RS_ALIGN_L                       0x00000100
define RS_ALIGN_R                       0x00000200
define RS_STRETCH                       0x00000400
define ROTATESPRITE_FULL16              0x00000800

As with cstat, the bit values can be added together and used in combination. For example, orientation 33 (32+1) is transparency level two, and orientation 5 (4+1) is transparency level one with inverted Y coordinates.