User contributions for Hunter byte
Results for Hunter byte talk block log uploads logs
A user with 244 edits. Account created on 8 December 2007.
9 April 2008
- 05:2405:24, 9 April 2008 diff hist +7 m Gametextz No edit summary
- 05:0005:00, 9 April 2008 diff hist −20 m Pre-defined gamevars No edit summary
- 04:5904:59, 9 April 2008 diff hist +1 m Constantly updated gamevars No edit summary
- 04:5304:53, 9 April 2008 diff hist +27 m Constantly updated gamevars No edit summary
- 04:4204:42, 9 April 2008 diff hist +407 Console commands No edit summary
26 January 2008
- 14:3614:36, 26 January 2008 diff hist +30 Full command list Added the commands according to the latest official source code
- 14:2314:23, 26 January 2008 diff hist +347 N Talk:Gametextz New page: The example code is for the gametext command. It should be for the gametext'''z''' one. The same with the digitalnumberz command. The gametext and gametextz commands. I t... current
- 14:0414:04, 26 January 2008 diff hist +394 N Talk:Getkeyname New page: Extra info: <key> = 0 // the '''first''' key defined for this action.<br> <key> = 1 // the '''alternate''' key defined for this action.<br> <key> = 2 // the '''first''' key defined for th... current
- 13:5013:50, 26 January 2008 diff hist +430 Talk:Ifbulletnear No edit summary current
17 January 2008
- 12:4812:48, 17 January 2008 diff hist +9 User:Hunter byte Redundant info removed because I noticed that it is also available at the main page. current
4 January 2008
- 10:4310:43, 4 January 2008 diff hist +158 N Talk:Xpanning How do we to split
3 January 2008
- 17:5117:51, 3 January 2008 diff hist +28 m Members of the sprite, hittype, and spriteext structures Undo the undo back. It shell be in the future.
- 16:2616:26, 3 January 2008 diff hist −28 m Members of the sprite, hittype, and spriteext structures Undo the latest revision because there is no such members. xpanning and ypanning are available only in the wall structure.
11 December 2007
- 12:2112:21, 11 December 2007 diff hist −5 m Findplayer No edit summary
- 12:1112:11, 11 December 2007 diff hist +226 N Findplayer New page: findplayer <dist> Finds the nearest player and calculates the distance(<dist>) to him/her.<br\> The RETURN variable is ID(0..max players) of the found player. [[Category:EDuke comman...
- 06:3506:35, 11 December 2007 diff hist +6,309 N Console commands New page: {|border="1" ! colspan="2"|Variables |- |crosshair |enable/disable crosshair |- |cl_autoaim |enable/disable weapon autoaim |- |cl_automsg |enable/disable automatically sending messages to ...
- 05:4705:47, 11 December 2007 diff hist −263 User:Hunter byte No edit summary
10 December 2007
- 10:5910:59, 10 December 2007 diff hist +283 N User:Hunter byte New page: Тестовая запись. Раз уж такая страница существует в вики, значит это кому-то нужно. Лучше уж здесь будет...
9 December 2007
- 14:2714:27, 9 December 2007 diff hist +158 Gametext No edit summary
- 13:5713:57, 9 December 2007 diff hist +192 N Mulscale New page: mulscale <res> <eax> <edx> <ecx> The formula is<br/> res=(eax*edx)>>ecx This is a math function which is implemented in assembler programing language because it make the calculation fas...
- 13:2913:29, 9 December 2007 diff hist +500 N Neartag New page: neartag <x> <y> <z> <sect> <ang> <nearTagSector> <nearTagWall> <nearTagSprite> <nearTagHitDist> <nearTagRange> <tagSearch> <x> <y> <z> <sect> <ang> - Starting position & angle.<br/> <near...
- 10:2910:29, 9 December 2007 diff hist +127 N Inittimer A very interesting thing
- 10:1410:14, 9 December 2007 diff hist +123 N Getcurraddress New page: getcurraddress <addr> Sets the current address to <addr>. It used by jump to return the execution to this point later.
- 10:1310:13, 9 December 2007 diff hist +549 N Jump New page: jump <addr> <addr> - is a gamevar obtained by getcurraddress This command is also know as GOTO( Too bad this jump command isn't as good as it can b...
- 09:4309:43, 9 December 2007 diff hist +81 N Time New page: time <gamevar> This command is being compiled but doing nothing like nullop.
- 09:3709:37, 9 December 2007 diff hist +164 N Getactorangle New page: getactorangle <gamevar> Deprecated command. Gets the current actor's angle to <gamevar>. Category:EDuke commands Category:Sprite manipulation
- 09:3509:35, 9 December 2007 diff hist +239 N Displayrandvarvar New page: displayrandvarvar <gamevar1> <gamevar2> This function generates a random number from 0 to <gamevar2> and assigns it to <gamevar1>. Unlike randvarvar, this command can be used in unsy...
- 09:3209:32, 9 December 2007 diff hist +225 N Displayrandvar New page: displayrandvar <gamevar> <value> This function generates a random number from 0 to <value> and assigns it to <gamevar>. Unlike randvar, this command can be used in unsynchronized cod...
- 09:2809:28, 9 December 2007 diff hist +228 N Displayrand New page: displayrand <gamevar> This function generates a random number and assigns it to <gamevar>. Since this function is sync safe, it can be used in unsynchronized code. See displayrandvar...
- 09:1909:19, 9 December 2007 diff hist +345 N Guniqhudid New page: guniqhudid <slotID> <slotID> is slot's ID. Legal values are 0..254 Select an extra slots so HUD models can store animation state without messing game sprites. By default it uses the firs...
- 09:0509:05, 9 December 2007 diff hist +1 m Modvar spelling mistake, grammar to be checked
- 09:0509:05, 9 December 2007 diff hist +244 N Modvarvar New page: modvarvar <gamevar1> <gamevar2> modvarvar command sets <gamevar1> to <gamevar1>%<gamevar2>. It's a math opration which calculates a modulus(aka reminder) of <gamevar1>/<gamevar2>. [[Cat...
- 09:0109:01, 9 December 2007 diff hist +225 N Modvar New page: modvar <gamevar> <value> modvar command sets <gamevar> to <gamevar>%<value>. It's a math opration which calculates a modulus(aka reminder) of <gamevar>/<value>. [[Category:EDuke command...
- 08:4008:40, 9 December 2007 diff hist +76 N Wallnum New page: This is the number of walls in sector. Category:Sector structure members
- 08:3708:37, 9 December 2007 diff hist +207 N Filler New page: Filler is available for sector and sprite structs. Useless byte to make structure aligned by word(2 bytes). It's not used. Category:Sector structure members [[Category:Sprite ...
- 07:1007:10, 9 December 2007 diff hist +556 N PLR MORALE Beware: bad English here
- 06:5906:59, 9 December 2007 diff hist +515 N LOGO FLAGS New page: LOGO_FLAGS is a gamevar that control the logo displaying. The values are: '''1''' - LOGO_FLAG_ENABLED<br /> '''2''' - LOGO_FLAG_PLAYANIM<br /> '''4''' - LOGO_FLAG_PLAYMUSIC<br /> '''8...
- 05:4705:47, 9 December 2007 diff hist +511 Pre-defined gamevars No edit summary
- 04:1904:19, 9 December 2007 diff hist +1,379 Constantly updated gamevars A lot of stuff added
8 December 2007
- 18:0618:06, 8 December 2007 diff hist +1 m Ifstrength I think "and" is better here.
- 18:0418:04, 8 December 2007 diff hist +14 m Ifstrength No edit summary
- 17:5017:50, 8 December 2007 diff hist +201 m Category:Gamevar manipulation No edit summary
- 17:3517:35, 8 December 2007 diff hist +907 Definegamefuncname No edit summary
- 17:1817:18, 8 December 2007 diff hist +47 m Decal deletion queue No edit summary
- 16:5216:52, 8 December 2007 diff hist +2 m Mdflags Opps, it's EDuke specific not v1.3/1.5
- 12:5512:55, 8 December 2007 diff hist +13 m Members of the userdef structure No edit summary
- 12:4512:45, 8 December 2007 diff hist +81 m Members of the player structure No edit summary
- 12:3312:33, 8 December 2007 diff hist +508 N Mdflags New page: mdflags <number> Sets flags for how to draw an actor's model. These flags never affect the gameplay. To be noted, it is used by the maphacks. Add all together all wanted flag values, and ...
- 12:1512:15, 8 December 2007 diff hist +13 m Members of the sprite, hittype, and spriteext structures No edit summary
- 12:0712:07, 8 December 2007 diff hist +145 m Full command list Added the commands according to the latest official source code