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getgamefuncbind <quoteID> <gamefuncID>

Retrieves the bind for the specified <gamefuncID> as a string and stores it in quote <quoteID>.


  • If the gamefunc is bound to a keyboard input, the string will be enclosed in square brackets: "[%s]"
  • If the gamefunc is bound to a mouse, joystick or gamepad input, the string will be enclosed in round brackets: "(%s)"
  • If the gamefunc is not bound to any key, the resulting string will be "UNBOUND"

This command will always return the first of the two possible keybinds shown in the control options menu, unless the first is undefined.

Gamefunc Reference

The following values are used with definegamefuncname, getgamefuncbind, getkeyname and undefinegamefunc.

Exposed Value Label Description
No 0 gamefunc_Move_Forward
No 1 gamefunc_Move_Backward
No 2 gamefunc_Turn_Left
No 3 gamefunc_Turn_Right
No 4 gamefunc_Strafe
No 5 gamefunc_Fire
No 6 gamefunc_Open
No 7 gamefunc_Run
No 8 gamefunc_Alt_Fire Does nothing without defining EVENT_ALTFIRE.
No 9 gamefunc_Jump
No 10 gamefunc_Crouch
No 11 gamefunc_Look_Up
No 12 gamefunc_Look_Down
No 13 gamefunc_Look_Left
No 14 gamefunc_Look_Right
No 15 gamefunc_Strafe_Left
No 16 gamefunc_Strafe_Right
No 17 gamefunc_Aim_Up
No 18 gamefunc_Aim_Down
No 19 gamefunc_Weapon_1
No 20 gamefunc_Weapon_2
No 21 gamefunc_Weapon_3
No 22 gamefunc_Weapon_4
No 23 gamefunc_Weapon_5
No 24 gamefunc_Weapon_6
No 25 gamefunc_Weapon_7
No 26 gamefunc_Weapon_8
No 27 gamefunc_Weapon_9
No 28 gamefunc_Weapon_10
No 29 gamefunc_Inventory
No 30 gamefunc_Inventory_Left
No 31 gamefunc_Inventory_Right
No 32 gamefunc_Holo_Duke
No 33 gamefunc_Jetpack
No 34 gamefunc_NightVision
No 35 gamefunc_MedKit
No 36 gamefunc_TurnAround
No 37 gamefunc_SendMessage
No 38 gamefunc_Map
No 39 gamefunc_Shrink_Screen
No 40 gamefunc_Enlarge_Screen
No 41 gamefunc_Center_View
No 42 gamefunc_Holster_Weapon
No 43 gamefunc_Show_Opponents_Weapon
No 44 gamefunc_Map_Follow_Mode
No 45 gamefunc_See_Coop_View
No 46 gamefunc_Mouse_Aiming
No 47 gamefunc_Toggle_Crosshair
No 48 gamefunc_Steroids
No 49 gamefunc_Quick_Kick
No 50 gamefunc_Next_Weapon
No 51 gamefunc_Previous_Weapon
No 52 gamefunc_Show_Console
No 53 gamefunc_Show_DukeMatch_Scores
No 54 gamefunc_Dpad_Select
No 55 gamefunc_Dpad_Aiming
No 56 gamefunc_AutoRun
No 57 gamefunc_Last_Weapon
No 58 gamefunc_Quick_Save
No 59 gamefunc_Quick_Load
No 60 gamefunc_Alt_Weapon Switch between Pipebomb & Detonator, Shrinker & Expander
No 61 gamefunc_Third_Person_View
No 62 gamefunc_Toggle_Crouch
define gamefunc_Move_Forward            0
define gamefunc_Move_Backward           1
define gamefunc_Turn_Left               2
define gamefunc_Turn_Right              3
define gamefunc_Strafe                  4
define gamefunc_Fire                    5
define gamefunc_Open                    6
define gamefunc_Run                     7
define gamefunc_Alt_Fire                8
define gamefunc_Jump                    9
define gamefunc_Crouch                  10
define gamefunc_Look_Up                 11
define gamefunc_Look_Down               12
define gamefunc_Look_Left               13
define gamefunc_Look_Right              14
define gamefunc_Strafe_Left             15
define gamefunc_Strafe_Right            16
define gamefunc_Aim_Up                  17
define gamefunc_Aim_Down                18
define gamefunc_Weapon_1                19
define gamefunc_Weapon_2                20
define gamefunc_Weapon_3                21
define gamefunc_Weapon_4                22
define gamefunc_Weapon_5                23
define gamefunc_Weapon_6                24
define gamefunc_Weapon_7                25
define gamefunc_Weapon_8                26
define gamefunc_Weapon_9                27
define gamefunc_Weapon_10               28
define gamefunc_Inventory               29
define gamefunc_Inventory_Left          30
define gamefunc_Inventory_Right         31
define gamefunc_Holo_Duke               32
define gamefunc_Jetpack                 33
define gamefunc_NightVision             34
define gamefunc_MedKit                  35
define gamefunc_TurnAround              36
define gamefunc_SendMessage             37
define gamefunc_Map                     38
define gamefunc_Shrink_Screen           39
define gamefunc_Enlarge_Screen          40
define gamefunc_Center_View             41
define gamefunc_Holster_Weapon          42
define gamefunc_Show_Opponents_Weapon   43
define gamefunc_Map_Follow_Mode         44
define gamefunc_See_Coop_View           45
define gamefunc_Mouse_Aiming            46
define gamefunc_Toggle_Crosshair        47
define gamefunc_Steroids                48
define gamefunc_Quick_Kick              49
define gamefunc_Next_Weapon             50
define gamefunc_Previous_Weapon         51
define gamefunc_Show_Console            52
define gamefunc_Show_DukeMatch_Scores   53
define gamefunc_Dpad_Select             54
define gamefunc_Dpad_Aiming             55
define gamefunc_AutoRun                 56
define gamefunc_Last_Weapon             57
define gamefunc_Quick_Save              58
define gamefunc_Quick_Load              59
define gamefunc_Alt_Weapon              60 
define gamefunc_Third_Person_View       61 
define gamefunc_Toggle_Crouch           62