Category:If conditions
Pages in category "If conditions"
The following 90 pages are in this category, out of 90 total.
- Ifa
- Ifaction
- Ifactioncount
- Ifactor
- Ifactornotstayput
- Ifae
- Ifai
- Ifand
- Ifangdiffl
- Ifawayfromwall
- Ifb
- Ifbe
- Ifboth
- Ifbulletnear
- Ifcansee
- Ifcanseetarget
- Ifcanshoottarget
- Ifceilingdistl
- Ifclient
- Ifcount
- Ifdead
- Ife
- Ifeither
- Iffloordistl
- Ifg
- Ifgapzl
- Ifge
- Ifgotweaponce
- Ifhitspace
- Ifhitweapon
- Ifinouterspace
- Ifinspace
- Ifinwater
- Ifl
- Ifle
- Ifmove
- Ifmultiplayer
- Ifn
- Ifnosounds
- Ifnotmoving
- Ifonwater
- Ifor
- Ifoutside
- Ifp
- Ifpdistg
- Ifpdistl
- Ifphealthl
- Ifpinventory
- Ifplayersl
- Ifrespawn
- Ifrnd
- Ifserver
- Ifsound
- Ifspawnedby
- Ifspritepal
- Ifsquished
- Ifstrength
- Ifvar conditions
- Ifvara
- Ifvarae
- Ifvarand
- Ifvarb
- Ifvarbe
- Ifvarboth
- Ifvare
- Ifvareither
- Ifvarg
- Ifvarge
- Ifvarl
- Ifvarle
- Ifvarn
- Ifvaror
- Ifvarvara
- Ifvarvarae
- Ifvarvarand
- Ifvarvarb
- Ifvarvarbe
- Ifvarvarboth
- Ifvarvare
- Ifvarvareither
- Ifvarvarg
- Ifvarvarge
- Ifvarvarl
- Ifvarvarle
- Ifvarvarn
- Ifvarvaror
- Ifvarvarxor
- Ifvarxor
- Ifwasweapon
- Ifxor