Category:Gamevar manipulation
A gamevar is a game variable that can be used to store numerical data which can then be referenced between actors.
The syntax for defining a gamevar is 'gamevar <varname> <value> <flags>'
A gamevar's flags determine how it is referenced by the game. A gamevar with flags of 0 is known as a global variable. A global variable exists once in the code, and any time a global variable is set, the new value is seen by all actors. A gamevar with flags of 1 is a per-player variable. Per-player variables exist once per player in the game, with each player having their own copy of the variable. A gamevar with flags of 2 is a per-actor variable. A per-actor variable exists as many times in the code as there are sprites in the map. Each sprite has its own copy of a per-actor variable in memory.
Name | Number | Description | Page where such variables should be listed |
GAMEVAR_FLAG_GLOBAL | 0 | global variable; this is the default | |
GAMEVAR_FLAG_PERPLAYER | 1 | per-player variable | |
GAMEVAR_FLAG_PERACTOR | 2 | per-actor variable | |
GAMEVAR_FLAG_USER_MASK | 3 | bitmask controling what flags can be set from con | |
GAMEVAR_FLAG_DEFAULT | 256 | allow override | |
GAMEVAR_FLAG_SECRET | 512 | don't dump... | |
GAMEVAR_FLAG_NODEFAULT | 1024 | don't add to 'default' array. | |
GAMEVAR_FLAG_SYSTEM | 2048 | cannot change mode flags...(only default value) | |
GAMEVAR_FLAG_READONLY | 4096 | values are read-only (no setvar allowed) | |
GAMEVAR_FLAG_PLONG | 8192 | plValue is a pointer to a long | Constantly updated gamevars |
GAMEVAR_FLAG_SYNCCHECK | 16384 | check event sync when translating | |
GAMEVAR_FLAG_PSHORT | 32768 | plValue is a pointer to a short | |
GAMEVAR_FLAG_PCHAR | 65536 | plValue is a pointer to a char |
All of the commands in this category are commands that alter the value of one or more gamevars in some way, as opposed to commands which alter sprites, sectors or walls.
This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.
Pages in category "Gamevar manipulation"
The following 129 pages are in this category, out of 129 total.
- Ifa
- Ifae
- Ifand
- Ifb
- Ifbe
- Ifboth
- Ife
- Ifeither
- Ifg
- Ifge
- Ifl
- Ifle
- Ifn
- Ifor
- Ifvar conditions
- Ifvara
- Ifvarae
- Ifvarand
- Ifvarb
- Ifvarbe
- Ifvarboth
- Ifvare
- Ifvareither
- Ifvarg
- Ifvarge
- Ifvarl
- Ifvarle
- Ifvarn
- Ifvaror
- Ifvarvara
- Ifvarvarae
- Ifvarvarand
- Ifvarvarb
- Ifvarvarbe
- Ifvarvarboth
- Ifvarvare
- Ifvarvareither
- Ifvarvarg
- Ifvarvarge
- Ifvarvarl
- Ifvarvarle
- Ifvarvarn
- Ifvarvaror
- Ifvarvarxor
- Ifvarxor
- Ifxor
- Inv