Category:If conditions

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Revision as of 09:18, 17 October 2011 by Helixhorned (talk | contribs) (hm, let's be a bit more explicit... "'most' programming languages" doesn't sound right)
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If conditions evaluate the specified statement, and run code based on the returned value of the evaluation. If conditions are boolean (true or false), and may be strung together.

Example code:

ifdead { spawn BLOODPOOL killit } 

If conditions may be used in conjunction with an else.

In a cascade of multiple ifs followed by an else if, the latter is bound to the uppermost of the former ifs. Thus, the following code

redefinequote 114 NOPE
ifvare 0 1 ifvare 0 0 redefinequote 114 ONE
else ifvare 0 0 redefinequote 114 TWO

is equivalent to this explicitly-braced one:

redefinequote 114 NOPE
ifvare 0 1 { ifvare 0 0 redefinequote 114 ONE
else ifvare 0 0 redefinequote 114 TWO

and NOT this one, as with C-derived programming languages,

redefinequote 114 NOPE
ifvare 0 1 ifvare 0 0 { redefinequote 114 ONE
else ifvare 0 0 redefinequote 114 TWO

and quote 114 contains the string 'TWO' after its execution.