How to Make Controllable Security Cameras

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This code was originaly posted by James AKA JBlade on AMC, It can be placed into any GAME.CON

// Stick this anywhere
gamevar EXTRASAVED 0 2
gamevar TEMP 0 0
gamevar TEMP2 0 0
gamevar TEMP3 0 0
gamevar TEMP4 0 0

// The following gets the camera's extra value into a variable, than sets it to 0 to avoid any possible glitches
eventloadactor CAMERA1 getactor[THISACTOR].extra EXTRASAVED setactor[THISACTOR].extra 0 enda

onevent EVENT_GAME
    ifactor CAMERA1
    getplayer[THISACTOR].newowner TEMP
    ifvarvare TEMP THISACTOR
        ifvare EXTRASAVED 1 // Delete this line if you want all cameras to be able to do this
        getinput[THISACTOR].extbits TEMP2
            ifvarand TEMP2 16 // If the player presses 'turn left'
                getactor[THISACTOR].ang TEMP3 // Get the Camera's angle
                subvar TEMP3 16 // Turn it left (subtracting from an angle turns it left)
                setactor[THISACTOR].ang TEMP3 // Change it to the new value
            ifvarand TEMP2 32 // If the player presses 'turn right'
                getactor[THISACTOR].ang TEMP3 // Get the Camera's angle
                addvar TEMP3 16 // Turn it right (adding to an angle turns it right)
                setactor[THISACTOR].ang TEMP3 // Change it to the new value
            getinput[THISACTOR].bits TEMP3
                ifvarand TEMP3 8192 
                    getactor[THISACTOR].shade TEMP4
                    ifvarl TEMP4 124
                        addvar TEMP4 4
                        setactor[THISACTOR].shade TEMP4
                ifvarand TEMP3 16384 
                    getactor[THISACTOR].shade TEMP4
                    ifvarg TEMP4 -128
                        subvar TEMP4 4
                        setactor[THISACTOR].shade TEMP4

Thanks to James for the code.