How to display negative numbers with the digital font
In the default game, there is no minus symbol for the digital numbers. When you try to display a negative number with the digital set, it displays the steroids icon instead of a minus symbol. With that knowledge, in this tutorial, we will take advantage of the dynamicremap command to move the steroids icon to a different slot, and the tilefromtexture to add in the new minus symbol and the steroids icon.
In GAME.CON/EDUKE.CON, put this at the top of the file:
Down in DEFS.CON where it says:
define STEROIDS_ICON 2469
Change to:
define STEROIDS_ICON 2459 // 2469
This will tell the game to display tile #2459 for the steroids icon, instead of #2469. Currently, tile #2459 is empty, so we will have to re-add the steroids icon, as well as the minus symbol.
Download (1.67 kb), and extract it to your base-level mod directory.
Finally, put this at the bottom of duke3d.def. It will add in the 8-bit art required for the steroids icon and minus symbol, as well as adding high resolution versions of the two tiles.
undefmodel 2459 undeftexture 2459 copytile 2459 { tile 2469 } undefmodel 2469 undeftexture 2469 tilefromtexture 2469 { file "highres/8bit/2469.png" xoffset -4 yoffset -3 } texture 2469 { pal 0 { file "highres/screen/fonts/digital/2469.png" } }
Viola! If you want to test it, put this at the top of GAME.CON:
gamevar PLR_MORALE -5 0
The large HUD should display "-5" under ARMOR.
Hendricks266: minus symbol art, both 8-bit and highres; tutorial