Please, before rememder that Assault Captain strength is 60, not 50.
Probably you found that line in USER.CON:
But looking at GAME.CON you can see that this is unusued and Assault Captain strength is activated by TROOPSTRENGTH:
state checktrooppalette ifai 0 { ifspritepal 0 nullop else ifspritepal 21 addstrength TROOPSTRENGTH // Double the hitpoint vals } ends
You can test this by yourself, changing TROOPSTRENGTH and seeing that this affect boot Assault Trooper and Assault Captain, but CAPTAINSTRENGTH has no effect.
The Recon's health is actually 130. This was discovered through use of the hitscan command to return back the health of the RECON actor when it is targetted by the hitscan. If you don't believe me, DeeperThought's DNWMD Modification has this very system, and so does my own mod[although it's not public].
Re: Recon
You are right, there is no effect changing RECONSTRENGTH.
But I still you remain the name "Small missiles" (or whatever you think is better, but not just RPGs) in Commander, beucase its rockets cause less damage.
Simple Recon Code
Actually, all you have to do is add some EVENT_EGS code.
gamevar EGS_FLAG 0 2 gamevar HEALTH 0 2 onevent EVENT_EGS getactor[THISACTOR].picnum EGS_FLAG switch EGS_FLAG case RECON: getactor[THISACTOR].extra HEALTH addlogvar HEALTH break endswitch endevent
- Hrm. That can be accomplished using only one global gamevar, which would save ~128KB of memory. TX 17:38, 4 November 2006 (PST)
- OT, people really need to sign when they post in Talk. Mblackwell 09:04, 7 November 2006 (PST)